Newbie from Finale - one big question

I know I have a lot to learn, but already liking a lot about Dorico. Two things I cannot find in the help - Dorico is automatically changing some of my quarter notes to tied eighths. How do I stop that? Thanks so much!

Can you give more context? Dorico treats ties as single notes, like in a piano roll. It displays the correct notation based on the meter. What is the exact meter and rhythm? There are notation options to change these. And Force Duration where all else fails.

There are huge advantages to this system, once you learn how it works.

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Welcome to the forum (and Dorico), @Mark_Hibshman!

I made the move from Finale two years ago, and have really enjoyed getting to know Dorico.

At the bottom of this online manual entry is a video tutorial you might find really helpful:

Forgive another link to an earlier thread, but it’s getting late enough into the evening here that I’ll be signing off:

By default Dorico follows (common) rules about how stuff should be notated in different time signatures. You can change these (some in Elements, many more in Pro).

Dorico’s Edit > Preferences option allows one to specify that notes will retain their values as specified in the original xml file. Although many current Dorico users prefer to let Dorico reformat according to Dorico’s rules, the panel contains many other options that you may find useful.

Welcome to the forum, @Mark_Hibshman !

Dorico automatically groups notes into ties according to the Notation Options currently set. This probably feels a bit different to what you’re used to, so it’s perfectly fine to be surprised by this!

Note grouping in Dorico factors in the meter (eg 3/4 vs 6/8), where that note is in the bar (does it cross major beat boundaries?), whether it’s followed by a note or rest, and whether the rhythm is regularly syncopated. There are a bunch of options available to you, which you can set on a per-flow basis.