Newbie Query Halion 5 and Halion Sonic 2


Bought Sonic 2 last year …love it…but decided I really needed a sampler too so now bought Halion 5 now
It says in the blurb that for H5 the Sonic 2 Library is also included…so if this is the case, then I do not want 2 of the same libraries taking up valuable space…so

  1. Is this correct?

  2. If so so how can I use and keep updated only ONE (if possible) or just REMOVE Sonic 2?

  3. If so, then I guess I would have to go through all my pieces and re-point the SE2 instruments at H5 instruments …which is a pain!



Yes Halion 5 includes Halion Sonic library.
But if you already have it, it shouldn’t install the same content again.

When you run the Halion 5 installer, it will check what you already have and only install what is missing.

  1. If so so how can I use and keep updated only ONE (if possible) or just REMOVE Sonic 2?

I would leave Halion Sonic alone. The application itself (HS 2 player) doesn’t take up too much space.
It is the contents. But in this case the content is shared between the two plus you get some on top which is only available with Halion 5.

I don’t think they play well together ??
I installed H5 and now Sonic2 cannot seem to find its content in the Media bay