Sorry to hear …but at least something learned.
For no identifiable reason whatsoever, and with no relevant change to my system, as of a few minutes ago I now have a populated Dorico hub.
I thought this problem had gone away, but it popped back up again:
After closing Dorico and restarting a few minutes later it seemed to work fine:
And now a few minutes later it’s not working again. Not a big deal, but it seems kinda random when it works and when it doesn’t right now. Could there be issues with accessing the server on the Steinberg end of things today?
Unlikely, but not impossible. Both of those little feeds talk via RSS over HTTPS to the server, and so far as I know the blog has had 100% uptime recently.
A post was split to a new topic: Empty news, tutorials etc. in Steinberg Hub in Cubase 10 Pro on Windows 7