I tend to play their podcasts at 1.4x speed, which cuts it down somewhat!
I don’t think there’s anything particularly revelatory. “There will be bugs fixes that are so good, you won’t notice.”
(By which of course he means you won’t be distracted by them in your work.)
There’s some kind of new SMuFL-based character selection dialog, probably not unlike Dorico’s.
There’s Finale Ash, the new handwritten one, to go with Finale Broadway and Finale Jazz. The real prize is Finale Maestro, along with Finale Engraver.
Rather annoyingly, they’ve added JSON files for the text versions of all these fonts, so they show up in Dorico’s Music Font Menu.
There’s also Finale Maestro Text, which isn’t a Text version of Finale Maestro, in the same way that Bravura Text is, but a “Times-a-like” text font, with a bunch of useful glyphs that you’re likely to use in text situations, like tempo equations. It comes in 4 flavours: Regular, Bold, Italic, Bold Italic. But there’s only 370 characters compared to Finale Maestro’s 2729.
Sorry for double post: but most interestingly – Finale’s fonts are now on a SIL Open Font Licence, so you are free to copy and modify them for inclusion in other fonts with the same licence.
Hello colleagues,
I hope you are all doing well!
Would be very nice and kind if someone of you, who already has Finale v27 installed, is able to
pack and share all SMuFL fonts here.
Since they are under SIL Open Font License it shouldn’t be a problem if they are freely uploaded.
Thank you very much in advance!
This isn’t working for me either. Does it for you? I when I import XML into a SMuFL document it converts back to non-SMuFL. I posted more on Notatio, but the fact that Document Options contain Font settings mean it’s basically impossible to import all of your settings from 26 into 27. Have you figured a workaround for that yet?
I see Finale Ash and Finale Ash Text. If these are based on the long-gone Ash fonts, that’s wonderful. Ash has a robust hand copied look, originally modeled after a for-real pen and ink copyist (Ashley Wells).
Is Golden Age new to Finale? Folks have been asking for it for years.
The second half of the above article just seems like a giant facepalm to me
MM: After almost 3 years, here’s the Finale 27 upgrade for $149!
User: Awesome! What cool new stuff do I get?
MM: At much time and expense we developed quite a few new SMuFL fonts you can use in your files!
Users: Great! I can’t wait to see what my old files look like using them.
MM: Oh, you want to do that? You can’t really use them with your old files.
Users: Ok, bummer, but at least it will be easy to try them out on anything new I write.
MM: Well, we’re only going to give you 2 options, none of your existing templates or the shipping templates will work with them, and you can’t import your existing Document Options because they also contain font settings, but sure, go ahead as long as you only start from the Setup Wizard with our settings and 2 defaults!
User: Hmm … well, what else do I get?
MM: You get bug fixes of a few things we should have fixed a decade ago!
User: The fonts are pretty cool, but I can get them for free with the demo, right?
MM: Right.
User: And for only $10 more at $159 I can purchase the Dorico educational crossgrade that can actually use all these fonts?
MM: …
It has been mentioned before, but just wanted to directly reply that you can download the demo of Finale and you can select just the “MakeMusic Fonts” to install. You have to download the entire demo, but you don’t even have to install the application to get the fonts, at least.
@JoshuaLuty hello,
Well, I already know that I can download the demo. Just I don’t have an account and I don’t want to create one. Also I don’t want to install the whole application on my PC just because of the fonts.
Here, on the forum, we have people who are using both Dorico and Finale, so I would be thankful if
someone of them just pack all SMuFL compliant fonts which come with Finale + their .json files and share them here.
This would save time not only for me, but also for many other people here.
I hope someone is going to do it for the community, as we are doing it by making free Expression Maps, or free fonts for Dorico and sharing them here!
Import XML into Finale 27, then changed the music fonts to my smufl fonts: Scordatura, The Copyist, Rhapsody, Groove, Tutti, BopMusicSMFL and RealScoreSMFL, the music changed but I get few missing symbols such Arpeggio, brackets … and, the engraving preferences that I out on my JSON files weren’t loaded at all… so still one needs to tweak the overall look of threescore in Fin27. Du n’importe quoi!