Newbie to Dorico iPad. Had high hopes for a musical notation program that didn’t rely on computer. Unfortunately, I discovered iPad version of Dorico does not create cues, consequently rendering it useless for orchestral scores/parts. When can we get cues? Would gladly pay for it. Help!!
Dorico for iPad has similar functionality to Dorico Elements on the desktop.
If you’re doing “Pro”-level work, like orchestral scores, I would suggest that it’s an excellent companion to the desktop; but not a replacement.
There is no “automatic” cue function in Dorico on iPad as it equals in functionality to Dorico Elements.
Still there is a way to do them manually. It is laborious, but it’s possible:
Copy from source instrument, paste, scale to cue size, input an instrument label with staff text. Also add rests in another voice.
Now one has to hide the cue from the score, so after switching properties to Local, select the cue notes and scale them to 1%, which makes them invisible. Now the position of the rests have to be adjusted and: viola/ I mean voila!
The only thing which could be improved: have a tighter note spacing for the cue sections, so they take up less space. Local Note Spacing changes are not possible yet in Dorico Elements/Dorico on iPad. I noticed also that, even there is in Engrave Mode the area for Horizontal Adjustments, this function cannot be used without an attached keyboard (whereas the Vertical Adjustments can be done with finger or pencil).