No License Found for Halion 7 (or) Halion Sonic 7

Bought Halion 7 last month (as an upgrade from Halion 6) worked perfectly fro a few weeks, but now just says ‘No License Found’ on the boot up pane. My Activation Manager says it’s Activated, my eLicenser also says the licence is present.

So where do I go from here?

Have you run maintenance in the E licenser so the Elicence gets marked as 'non upgradable ’

Did the maintenance 4 times, haven’t seen ‘non upgradable’ though

Did you upgrade from another Halion ?

Did you restart the computer?

Yes Halion 6

Yes I restarted and shut down and restarted!

The simple thing would be try to restart your comp , Run admin mode with the eliencer and the licence should look like this , Did you repair in Admin mode ?

Not sure what Admin mode is!

If you right click on the licencer at launch IF you are on Windows then it will run with Admin rights

Great- I’ll give that a try right now!

If your licencer doesn’t show the same as this then you need to repair so it sends the licence info to your account which will place the licence in your SAM which will activate if you are on line

All activations have to be done while connect to the internet Btw ( sorry if you already knew )

Thanks, tried all that and restarted - still the same.

Screenshot 2023-04-20 at 13.28.42

I would try deactivating it and reactivating , it can’t do any harm

Cheers - I’ll try that!

Thanks for the help FilterFreq!

No worries , you obviously know a thing or two about Steinberg so im just trying to think of the obvious

I hear you!

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Same here. Also lost the licence for Groove Agent. Several emails to Steinberg, no reply. Unable to do anything in the meantime.

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Same here. Neither Halion 7 nor Halion SE work any more. Steinberg support are completely silent, after several mails. Very disappointing and frankly unprofessional. I’ve been happy with their support previously, but this is a disaster.