Maybe. I just finished a very heavy project which was almost unplayable in Cubase 12 and now in Cubase 13 I even have some performance left to spare. And this is on my laptop with 12700k. Super stoked about that. All meters are steady, with no spikes.
In my long use of Cubase 99% of the problems have always seemed to be caused by 3rd party plugins (and old preferences of course). I’ve seen the weirdest bugs possible in the last 12 years. So I’m very careful about what is installed these days.
Hope you’ll find the solution!
Im happy for you and your systems running well but the fact is , Steinberg have upset something under the hood , C12 runs the project perfectly not 30 seconds apart from playing the C13 project , if this has something to do with the Acustica Audio plugins then it’s because Steinberg has altered something , nothing else , that’s it . The evidence is at the top in videos .
With respect, there is the possibility that a plugin developer may have some code that might not play well with the new UI in Cubase 13. It might not be entirely Steinberg’s fault, as we can not know whether any particular developer has played 100% by the rules.
– agree entirely, this has also been my experience over decades.
I also have one (last) VST2 plugin which works fine in C12, and even works fine in C13 until I open the UI of the plugin; luckily, it doesn’t cause ASIO spikes, but I’m going to have to find an alternative.
My point is this: in the interest of finding the root cause, is your issue reproducible in a project that does not use any of the plugins in your initial example project, in the video at the top of this post?
Look , im not here to debate who’s right or wrong , all i know is the same project converted to C13 plays on the same machine shite 30 seconds before opening C12 and Acustica Audio being a Partner of Steinbergs should of had all the the info on future proofing for C13 . Ive post both places because i want a fix , not a debate of what’s right or wrong , Both parties have my money and i want the goods to work .
Neither am I, my contribution was an attempt to adopt a logical approach in the interest of finding the root cause of your issue. I wish you luck on your quest.
Half way down the page i posted a picture of Retrologue going from a quarter of the asio to peak . The asio in the real world set on 1024 is back to how it was in C12.0 IRRATIC , not stable .
If i press 5 keys on 1 vsti , Steinberg own Retro , the asio goes from nothing to just over a quarter with just one vsti loaded , nothing else . This is a lean optimised well cared for Daw acting like a early 2000’s 650mhz .
I don’t know what else to say .
Today i had fun using C13 BUT i can not use it for large projects because the asio is to irratic , im not going to start a project , build the project to find out i can’t mix it down because of spikes . we all have our working ways , i like to leave 20 % of head room for scope with any movement of asio , never maxed out but even this 20% is not enough to work the way ive been work .
OK ,so After last nights rant , im up early and on it .
If somethings not working and others are happy i always ask the question " WHY "
I found a thread about spikes , same issue . Cubase 13: random CPU spikes still here, is maddening - Cubase - Steinberg Forums
And with my C12 project tracks imported to C13 and Setting up exclusions on win defender , lowering the over sampling by one X on the ElRey AA plugin performance seems to be stable , i’m still testing but what a way to start the day. Bring on more coffee
Ok more checking , it’s still there BUT reduces when turning off Over sampling in plugins , doesn’t matter which vender , any over sampling seems to cause spikes .
I can leave latency mon running for hours with no spikes at all which tells me it a Cubase issue with Audio engine , C12’s fine .
There was as far as i can see the same or similar issue when 12 was released.
Graphics card setting etc seem to alter things then but nothing cured it.
then a later update cured the problem.
It not a system fault but Cubase 13 one.
Same projects in latest Cubase 12 version do not have this problem no mater what the graphics card settings are.
Seems to be a lack of corporate memory at Steinberg somehow.
I’ve gone from , non usable C13 to something that i’m reasonably happy with until some fixes :
Setup exclusions in Win Defender for every known file type , file , folder for Daw work
Disabled Suspend vst data in the preferences ( really important this one )
Lowed the Over sampling for one plugin and the results are :
No spiking at all . There’s also been quite a large drop on the Asio meter due to dropping the OS but it’s stable , i feel confident that the spikes are solved for now .
Two problems exist :
Cubase’s handling of over sampling , every plugin form every vender that has the ability to over sample spikes with OS is raised
I glitch with the Suspend Vst plugins when not in use , ive noticed that as soon as the play head hits certain events the Asio meter becomes erratic , disabling this ,so you get a true representation of all the processes going on and leaving the processes continually running seems to stabilize things .
It’s getting there , now just to find out why Steinberg own synths cause spiking when activating in the tracks , Not third party ones
Also i implemented this Latency Hack
Power plans search every 30 ns for Steinberg power system to see if you still require the power plan , that’s a lot of interrupts over 100,000 hits for the one Kernel
Raising the time to the max which is 5000ns reduces the amount of interrupts by 10x so all the processing power can be used for other tasks
Windows, programs the whole shibang has been so responsive because there’s less behind the scenes stuff going it’s unreal , for MY system at least
I have the same problem.
Project in CB12 Pro runs smooth on both lower buffer size but also in general than in CB13, which has random spikes and annoying artifacts playing from now and then. Same plugins, same everything except DAW version.
CB 12.0.70 Pro
CB 13.0.10 Pro
Motherboard, asus for 40000 million dollars
i9 13700k
1080 GTX
I have tested on an M1 Max Mac Studio, M1 Macbook Air, i7 8700 Intel Mac, and a i7 8700 Win11 system. Audio interfaces used are an Apollo Twin mk2, an Audient EVO8, a UA Arrow, a Topping DX1, and a Zoom H5.
Certain 3rd party software just eats through the Cubase ‘performance meter’ or causes it to become extremely unstable, with audio drop-outs, making lower sample buffers unusable.
128 samples and 48Khz is not usable in a lot of cases, and it is the bare minimum for me when it comes to playable latency for virtual instruments.
I have compared the performance at the same, and lower sample buffers with Studio one 5.5 on the same systems.
The performance and stability issues do not exist with Studio One 5.5, at 128 samples, or even down to 16 samples!
Where possible, I have also tested these virtual instruments in stand alone mode at 128 samples and lower. Zero issues.
This is solely an issue with hosting these plugins or virtual instruments within Cubase. It is like Cubase is fighting against certain plugins or virtual instruments for resources instead of working with them.
The exact same issues are still present in Cubase 13, and that is beyond frustrating.
I completely agree with this , it really does seem weird that Steinberg own Vsti’s are causing such hi Midi activity when 3 party dev Vsti’s seem to have nailed it .
The hosting does need developing for sure , it’s a lot worse than C12
More investigation into this because im totally Peeeeee’d that yet again ive had to spend the Whole weekend trouble shooting and paying full price . Do your beta testers actually do anything ?
C13 does not like Over sampling of any sort on my system , if i lower the over sampling in just one plugin , doesn’t matter which vender , just one the spiking stops
Here’s the performance meter in C13 after every single optimisation known on this planet . PROAUDIO grade optimising . Stable
Here’s the C12 Asio meter with 32 x oversampling applied to the same plugin that i can’t use in C13 , i can pick any plugin ,same results .
C12 sits absolutely still , NO spiking
Yeah - same here: Cubase 13, threadripper 2950X (16 core), 64 GB ram, MOTU 828 MKIII,buffer of 192 (~6ms latency). While running i get a giant spike on ASIO guard, and the sound drops for a second (Performance meters all drop to zero) - fun fact: LatencyMon shows everything is running perfectly while this happens…
Removed most of the tracks, and the problem still persists - in Cubase 12 I have absolutely no problems, with the same project, so I guess I have to wait with “actual upgrading” (I DID already purchase Cubase 13, but as written above: I can’t use it currently).
I CAN post pictures/videos etc, but everything looks exactly as shown in previous posts
We are closely monitoring this and will gather tomorrow to discuss what we can do or which additional information exactly we may need to request. Thank you. for bringing this up, @Highly-Controversial.