NO rant , just facts Cubase 13 Audio engine Spikes compared to Cubase 12

Same here

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Do you have a link and time stamp for me? I am not aware of that part.

We are working on resolving the issue, but if you are unsatisfied, please reach out to support directly.

Online Shop Support – Steinberg Support

Have any of you guys that is experiencing slow loading times added C13 & componants to your antivirus exceptions list? seeing that C13 is NEW there is a chance some of you mabe be expericencing a slowdown because your antivirus doesnt trust C13 and its new componants… Worked for me!

A way to test this is to have your process-manager running when you launch C13 and see if your anti virus kicks in. if it does this will reduce your load times!



He is talking about hybrid cpus and also showing how you can change the behaviour.
In his latest video stream he also mentioned this.

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Thanks for this info, @jamesie! There may be more of you affected by this bug in Kontakt 7.6.1. → @JS11 , @Skif , are you aware of this? Note, that it’s only present on macOS.
Here’s NI’s release info:

We are delighted to announce that Kontakt 7.7.0 is now available to download via Native Access! This release introduces a handful of improvements (…) overall user experience, and a handful of bug fixes (including the CPU spikes that were introduced with the 7.6.1 update). …


Hosting VST plugins and instruments inside of Cubase, vs externally in Audiogridder (running locally).
I am amazed by the performance difference. It went from maxing out and audio drop-outs, to completely stable at about 10% performance usage.
Hosting other software like Slate VSX, or SoundID reference in AudioGridder, and I was able to get the performance meter down to just a few percent, from about 30% when both were hosted inside of Cubase 12/13.
Maybe this video can provide Steinberg with some leads or insights into these performance issues. It seems like there are some major issues with VST hosting in Cubase 12/13:


Someone in the comments also suggested Vienna VEP software as a viable solution, but it is paid software, where as AudioGridder is free.
I may demo VEP and look into getting a product that includes it, but this additional expense really shouldn’t be necessary, as Cubase should just work as expected!

If it turns out that hosting externally is the only viable solution for stability and performance, Steinberg should be providing their own external host that does the same job as Audiogridder or VEP and integrates seamlessly with Cubase.

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Sorry I have 11 with Cubase 13 Pro
Cubase 13 is a bad release !!
I Hope they fix it soon
Audio Performance spikes worse than Cubase12
Thanks Skip


Sorry I have Win 11 with Cubase 3 Pro
Cubase 13 is a bad release !!
I Hope they fix it soon
Audio Performance spikes worse than Cubase12
Thanks Skip

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Thanks for this post! AudioGridder helped me a lot to deal with enormous spikes and audio-dropouts with Sonarworks SoundID plugin. I really appreciate.


Really , so you are using AG in the control room ?

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Yes, works like a charm.


How an earth can AudioGridder distribute the CPU load fine on the same plugins, but the developer who controls the VST spec can’t? That’s flabbergasting really.

Not having a dig, but it’s really quite disappointing to read. People who are seeing a stark improvement, are you sure there’s nothing within the Cubase settings that’s causing this?


Believe me - I have tried all possible settings, set ups, tips and tricks from users etc. I found on internet through last 2 years (also had a lot of troubles with Cubase 12 performance) with no results. In my case SonarWorks SoundID caused horrendous spikes on almost empty session, runing 192 samples buffer.

Now with AudioGridder not a single spike. This together with disabling CPU0 for Cubase stabilised my Cubase 13 and its performance. At least for now.

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Why have you got the sonar works prefader on the monitors ? it should really go on the main inserts

That way you can load a separate instance of Sonarworks for each monitor with its own correction curve (one for headphones, one for speakers for example).

The main inserts are for everything and don’t change between switching monitors.

I also have a problem with Sonarworks. Not spikes but it crashes my whole control room set up like every two days. Can’t replicate it and don’t understand why. They don’t like each other for sure.
The same behavior was in Cubase 12 and now in Cubase 13.

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You can also have one monitor channel with ‘Listening Spot’ activated and another without.

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It makes on sense to me , If you have three pairs of monitors you have 3 ACTIVE SW’s plus active headphones ,also if you raise the volume in the control room it can cause the SW to peak out .
If you have SW on the main inserts you can assign a Midi remote to the bypass button for each instance of the SW ,which means less cpu usage and NO chance of peaking out the SW .

For those of you running Windows, another alternative to move plug-in processing out of Cubase is jBridge with the option to create a 64-bit to 64-bit bridge. It has the advantage over AudioGridder that it doesn’t add additional latency. However, it only supports VST2 plug-ins, not VST3.