No recording possible midi

Thanks, but it’s not what I was expecting : a screenshot with the transport Record button activated and the cursor moving. Your screenshot show a Record enabled thrack, without any timing movement allowing eventual events to be so…

YES connection checked and whatever the input and output 5UMC in and OUT) or (USB 4i/4o) the problem remains the same.

Again, I am not asking you a photo of the recording of a Halion Sonic instrument track, used with its integrated virtual keyboard…

I was asking a screenshot of the MIDI 01 track while attempting to record MIDI events on it (which means BOTH being Record enabled and the transport Record activated, the cursor moving, according to the project/track tempo settings).

Additionaly, and at the point we’re at, I would get rid of the DigitalLife 4i4o, at least, for the necessary troubleshooting tasks.

This, using ONLY the UMC204HD MIDI in/out connectors for testing all this, as I suspect that the 4i4o is a possible source of the mess…