No sound coming from wavelab 11 le

I am brand new to wavelab, and when I open a file exported from my daw, it shows up, but when i press play it shows that everything is working except there is no audio. I hear nothing in my headphones. Any fix to this? Thanks.

If you’re on a Mac, did you say “Yes” when WaveLab asked for permission to use the “Microphone”?

It’s a dumb thing but you need to say yes even for WaveLab to be able to play audio and it’s a Mac thing, not WaveLab. Microphone access is needed to be able to play audio too. Dumb wording by Apple.

Otherwise, without more info about your setup and OS it’s hard to say more.

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I’m using Windows 11, actually. If that helps… The daw is ableton.

Running it through a Neva duo and a mixer.

What audio driver did you select?

When Ableton and WL are open at the same time, WL will not play. If you choose this option in Ableton, WL will resume playback.

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