Suddenly I have no sound when trying to play an instrument in Cubase 12. There is definitely midi going in and in fact if I create a region and hit record I can record note events. I just can’t hear what I am playing but whatever I record does play back though. If I open Kontakt or similar and play my keyboard the keys don’t animate as they used to although cubase is receiving midi. Ugh!!!
I must have inadvertently clicked on something when I was putzing around in preferences or midi settings and can’t figure out what I did.
edit: Everything works fine in Logic Pro X (another daw I use), and standalone instruments are fine too. Just Cubase causing me a headache!
The keyboard is an Impact Nectar LX88 and it is a old iMac 12.7.6
Probably a long shot, but I’m a bit stuck and can’t work until I get the resolved alas. Any ideas?
thanks in advance…
It really looks like a monitoring issue, now. Are you sure about all what is related to it and are you eventually using direct monitoring (I never used it, so I’m in an unknown territory, here…) ?
Well it looks like staring at it and frowning worked because now it seems to be working again. Definitely some dark arts stuff going on haha.
Thank again for your help cubic13
Wise words but this morning I still have the same problem.
midi going into cubase - I can see the notes on the Kontakt and Soundpaint virtual keyboards depressing - Record is enabled - no sound however.
Standalone instruments are working great. Logic Pro is working as it should. Definitely something in Cubase and I cannot for the life of me figure it out.
attaching my settings…
Could you post a screenshot of Kontakt 7 UI with a library loaded and when pressing a key ? If possible, a view showing all the outputs also, as AFAIK, Kontakt 7 is a multitimbral and multichannels VSTi.
EDIT : additionaly, could you try to create an instrument track with another VSTi than Kontakt 7 - something like Padshop, Retrologue or even Halion Sonic SE ? What happens, in this case ?
That Aspire Kontakt was sounding fine until a few seconds ago and it just stopped. When I clicked on another instrument track a midi note is being sent if its monitor is on. e.g. if I monitor enable 2 different tracks, just clicking on a track is sending a midi note!
I’m coming in late to the thread, so apologies if you’ve discussed this, but in the screenshot it looks like you’re sending to Midi 0? I don’t have CB13 anymore so not sure. You only experience this when routing between plug-ins or just in general? It kind of sounds like you may be sending midi data to channels that are not configured in the plug in. This happens to me all the time when using MPE and moving between tracks that require different midi configs because of plug-in requirements.
It’s all very odd. I am able to produce sound now but there seems to be no midi off, so now if I click on an instrument it sends a midi note to play.
My CSS instruments are resetting to 0db volume if I click on another track.
Retrologue was having same issue.
I have to get on with a project so it’s over to Logic until I get this figured out alas!