When i am in the editor, i no longer hear the notes when i click the mouse over notes on the screen, or when i move them. or when i use the chords feature.
When i click on the keyboard, or press PLAY using the transport, there is sound.
I rebooted the system and it’s the same thing.
How can i fix this please?
What if this button is checked and I still can’t hear midi notese when I click on them? What’s strange is if I play MIDI in with my keyboard, playback is normal, but only when I click midi notes in, I can’t hear anything during playback. But when I hit the piano roll, it plays normal.
Make sure that the track you are editing is also enabled for monitoring – I believe the default is that the selected track has MIDI monitoring enabled.
It shouldn’t matter if the MIDI/Instrument Track has Monitor turned on or Record Enable turned on. Acoustic Feedback should still work. At least here it does.
(Cubase Pro 12.0.70, Win 10)
That’s interesting, as it makes the difference here in Cubase Pro 13.
I wonder if there is something else happening by coincidence?
When you say it ‘shouldn’t matter,’ do you have some documentation to assist my learning?
No specific documentation. Just 30+ years of experience. I only have access to the same user manual everyone else does.
I never use Monitor on MIDI or Instrument tracks. I typically have the “Enable Record on Selected MIDI Track” enabled, but turned it off just now for testing purposes. I also made sure the “Record in Editor” button was off.
I could observe that the track in the Project Window did not have either Record Enable nor Monitor turned on. Acoustic Feedback still functioned as expected. Both in the windowed editor and lower zone. I can even de-select the track or select a different track and it still works.
Perhaps they did change something in 13?
Clicking on the piano keys in the Key Editor is not dependent on Acoustic Feedback being turned on. At least not in v12.
My record/monitor set-up is the same as yours, but does seem to behave differently in v13. I’ve not read the manual, though, so thought maybe I missed something.
I can confirm that’s the same in 13.
If clicking the piano roll makes no sound, check your CCs - maybe you have expression or similar set to zero? Check your whole signal chain: perhaps you are routing to a muted group?