No way to remove projects from the Hub?

Unlike the Mac version I use, I’m not seeing any way to remove a project from recent projects in the Hub in the iPad version. I’m running on an iPad Air under iOS 18. Thanks!

Not sure why you are seeing this problem (not that you are not seeing it). I was just on my iPad to check something and was able to delete files from the hub.

I will admit that the filing system used by the iPad (cloud vs. on the device) mystifies me; but I seldom use the iPad version since it does not provide the Pro features I find important in most of my work.

What happens, if you change to list view?

[edit] I checked myself, List View will not bring you further.
In Icon View you should have these little “hamburger menus” from which you can delete the projects.

… and investigating further: yes, some projects do have the hamburger icons, some not:

… for which I have no explanation :thinking:

I believe the “hamburger” menu on the iPad only appears for projects that are stored within the area that iOS designates specifically for Dorico. Dorico has limited permission to handle project files outside this area, so it can’t necessarily e.g. delete files elsewhere, and this is also why it can’t show the detailed file timestamp for these files.

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Makes sense. The file is on my computer and also exists in Dropbox. Thanks.