hello, ok maybe i shouldnt have gotten Wavelab 12 pro but i got it for a very good price but i feel so hit by wavelab it somehow makes no fun and i thought im happy for this purchase i think i just need more time and learn it but i just dunno why things are so complicated.
i love to just add a wav file.
then if i want to add another audio file i just drag and drop it in or create a new stereo channel
in Wavelab im in the Audioeditor, and afaik i cannot add TRACKS? so i need to open a new project for AUDIO MONTAGE… cumbersome?
another thing why i specifically bought Wavelab 12 pro, I read you can easily create seemless loops, i want to create seemless loops for soundscapes or for a gaming loop but i dunno why… in the past i exported my project with a LEAVE REMAINDER which doesnt cut the track at the end but let’S the reverb and all fading out sounds, i cut the end and put it to the beginning, it works 50:50. i just cannot figure out how to make a seemless loop in Wavelab…
here I got a track and i want to loop it/create a seemless loop, how would you do it? i couldnt find any tutorial via google
thanks a lot, hope to not regret the purchase
p.s. why cant i add 3 pics? my 2 pics cannot be posted… steinberg really makes things more complicated even on forums