Noob Questions coming from Audacity + Seamless loops?

hello, ok maybe i shouldnt have gotten Wavelab 12 pro but i got it for a very good price but i feel so hit by wavelab it somehow makes no fun and i thought im happy for this purchase :frowning: i think i just need more time and learn it but i just dunno why things are so complicated.

  1. i love to just add a wav file.

  2. then if i want to add another audio file i just drag and drop it in or create a new stereo channel

  3. in Wavelab im in the Audioeditor, and afaik i cannot add TRACKS? so i need to open a new project for AUDIO MONTAGE… cumbersome?

  4. another thing why i specifically bought Wavelab 12 pro, I read you can easily create seemless loops, i want to create seemless loops for soundscapes or for a gaming loop but i dunno why… in the past i exported my project with a LEAVE REMAINDER which doesnt cut the track at the end but let’S the reverb and all fading out sounds, i cut the end and put it to the beginning, it works 50:50. i just cannot figure out how to make a seemless loop in Wavelab…
    here I got a track and i want to loop it/create a seemless loop, how would you do it? i couldnt find any tutorial via google

thanks a lot, hope to not regret the purchase :frowning:

p.s. why cant i add 3 pics? my 2 pics cannot be posted… steinberg really makes things more complicated even on forums :stuck_out_tongue:

If you want to arrange several files, the audio montage is your friend.

If you want to create a loop in a file, the audio editor and the loop tweaker, are your friend.
Start to create a region of green markers then:


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If you can spare it, I highly suggest to take your time exploring the functions of WaveLab, both in the Audio Editor and the Audio Montage, to at least get an general idea of what you can do, and concentrate later on the things you actually need. WaveLab is a complex but powerful tool, and as any tool, you need to learn its possibilities and handling.
And it may sound boring, but I recommend reading the Manual (oder in Deutsch, falls du das bevorzugst), I think it is written very well and informative.

I rarely used Audacity (really just for recording the sound-output of my system), but I feel like I could never achieve the things with Audacity that I can do in a montage in WaveLab, as the montage is very flexible and also non-destructive. The editor is great to make some persistent changes to an audio file before using it in a montage, or when there is just one file to edit.