I’ve selected two MIDI events as you can see. in the bottom panel, it shows all the notes but only highlights the last two notes. Is this the expected design?
My expectation:
I’m expecting it to highlight all the notes from the MIDI events. I’m confused as to why some of the notes are displayed as gray. It only highlights the first event selected.
We don’t see, which MIDI Part is active in the Key Editor.
Oh okay. I looked at it now and I mistakenly thought the were called events, but they are parts. So I selected two parts but the MIDI editor will only highlight one part a time. Not all of them.
Okay, I understand now. Does there happen to be a way this can be ignored and all parts can be highlighted if selected?
No, this is not possible. Cubase always highlights the Activated MIDI Part to let you know, where are you going to draw (if you would draw any MIDI Message).
Your explanation clarifies things but I could imagine a scenario where the user can add a MIDI note and it will automatically be applied to the part’s section.
This of course would be in conflict with overlapping parts, which is a unique feature of Cubase. I’m not sure if understand the intention of that feature but I’ll ask about that in another thread. Thanks.
Never mind, I guess Studio One also has overlapping MIDI parts.
If you set your Event Colors to Parts instead of Velocity you can see all parts that you have selected (as long as your Part Editing mode is set to All Parts, like you have it in your screenshot) in the colors that you have designated in the Project window. Your inactive parts will be dimmed in color however, but this can be adjusted in preferences (Inactive Note Event Intensity):
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Thanks for this. That does help.