Newbie question alert!!
Here’s the deal. I have a flute quartet in C major that I’ve entered already (it’s a Bach chorale). When I change the key signature to F, the signature changes but the notes remain fixed in their “C Major” positions.
Is there a preference that I need to select in order for the notes to transpose with the key?
I am more than happy to dig around in the manual as I learn, but as mentioned in the topic heading I’m not even sure how to phrase the search query.
Thanks for any help given!
Brad the newbie convert from Finale…
Make sure you specifically put it in C, have the signpost for C major displayed and selected, THEN transpose.
By default, there is no key signature, until you make it C.
Thanks for the amazingly quick reply!
So, to review for my learning’s sake, to put the piece in C, I select the first measure, hit Shift-K, type in “capital” C for C major, then hit “enter”. This makes the piece to be “officially” in C major.
From there, I can select just the red box that says “C major”, select transpose, select
down perfect fifth" in the dialogue box, hit “enter”, and the piece will both change the key to F as well as transposing the parts down a fifth as well?
Or do I need to include all the notes of the range I want transposed down to F as well as the key signature box when selecting “down perfect 5th”?
I hope I phrased my question clearly.
In Finale, if I choose to change the key signature for a range of measures or for the entire piece, I am given the option to transpose the entered notes up to the new key, down to the new key, remain enharmonically the same, etc.
Thanks again for your quick response!!
Hi @thgmusic after setting the key as C major, you can just select the notes of the passage, choose menu Write/Transpose…., and after choosing the correct interval and direction, activate the transpose key signatures option:
Thank you! I stumbled my way to this solution on my own. It’s good to have it verified by you…
Your screen grabs do help very much!
Just to round out this question: In Finale, notes are stored relative to the key signature, so changing a key sig transposes the following notes with it. Sibelius and Dorico don’t do this: Key sigs and notes are all separate objects, so you can change either one separately or both together.
Thanks for this!
If you are transposing the entire piece, there is no need to select anything. Just make your selection in the transposition box and it will happen (with or without changing the key signature, depending on whether that box is ticked or not).
And…BOOM, there it is! That’s what I was looking for.
I now have two different kinds of solutions to transposing large swaths or entire pieces.
- Yours, Mr. Larson, which deals with my main question.
- the other answers which will help me transpose specific sections
Thanks all,
Here’s the relevant page in the manual for what you’re asking about, complete with tips about what to select for different end results:
Thank you!