Not possible to extend the note by a dot

When updating to 5.8.10, a problem arose in the write modes. It is no longer possible to extend the note by a dot. Instead he sets a quarter note and an eighth note.

Dag Jan, welkom op het Dorico forum (ik gok dat je Nederlandstalig bent). Over op voertaal Engels:
This could mean your notation preferences were changed (reset), which is something I wouldn’t expect after a relatively small sorfware update, but it’s easy to restore. In any case, if the general settings don’t cover your particular case, you can always enable Force Duration (shortcut [letter] o) on the note before applying the dot.

Thank you for your quick answer Peter. I tried it out immediately. That worked perfectly, but … on the next note (an eighth note) the dot disappeared again. So I think that something has fundamentally changed with the general institutions.

Kind regards, Jan

Nothing has changed here. Dorico will create the music depending on the metre, and the notes’ position in the bar.

Firstly, you need to look over the Notation Options for Note Grouping, which controls whether notes will appear as one note or tied notes in various circumstances. Once you have set those options, they will apply to all notes in the Flow.

If those options don’t meet your needs, you can use Force Duration. Press O to activate it (it’s the G-Clamp icon on the left-hand panel), and then Dorico will treat your input “literally”. But use it sparingly.

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