Notation option percussion


I know a couple of tricks to hide unwanted rest (Hide rest option, minimizing scale to 1%, changing color…) but I’m still looking for THE Dorico way to do it.
I don’t understand why there are still rest in measures 3-4 after selecting those percussion notation options.

Unwanted rest

Modèle Choeur + Band.dorico (1.3 MB)

Hi, not sure why it’s still showing rests but you could use the ends-voice property.


Edit: I love that the French word for Hi-hat is Charleston


I don’t say Charleston. I say Hi-Hat.
I might come back to English Dorico version, bit since it is going to reset some shortcut edit I made, I’m still procrastinating.


Changing the language of the UI is not supposed to avoid you using the shortcuts that are linked to your keyboard layout. For instance, I have a French keyboard layout and use Dorico in English since day 1. Except when I need to show screenshots in the French FB group: then I change the UI to French.

@MarcLarcher Sorry, off-topic, but since you are mentioning it: I personally have issues with shortcuts involving that area…

…when switching from French to English as the software language (with Franch keyboard in both cases). I did duplicate the .json file, and everything works but these ones and I was not able to reconfigure them properly…
Maybe I just haven’t spent enough time on it! This issue is maybe discussed somewhere in the forum.
Merci :wink:

As well as the options on the Percussion page, you also need to set this option on the Rests page:


Richard_Lanyon : The notation option you are talking about is already selected, but rest are still visible.

MarcLarcher, I use French version since Day 1 with a french QWERTY keyboard. I decided to switch Dorico to English. Keyboard layout still works BUT, some keyboard shortcut I edited are set back to default shortcut.

It is not a glitch. All langage seems to have it’s own shorcut layout memory.

In that case you’ll need to post a small example that shows the problem, and then we can take a look.

I attached the file in my first post up the page. Thank’s for your help

Ah, sorry, I missed that.

Right, I see what’s happening now. The reason these rests are appearing is because the Notation Options refer to “additional” voices (“voies supplémentaires”). This refers to voices other than the first up-stem voice on the staff. Rests in the first voice are not hidden in this way, otherwise you could end up with a totally empty bar.

As Jesper says, you can hide the rests with Remove Rests, or you can assign the down-stem notes in bb.3-4 to the up-stem voice which will have a similar effect: