Good job with Cubase 14! The road ahead using these tools looks fun and interesting.
One thing that needs to be addressed right away with the new Score Editor is this…
Neither Key Commands, nor MIDI Remotes can be bound to the note duration tool bar. This makes step entry with the Score editor awkward, and nearly useless. Presently the ONLY way to change this that I can find is by clicking the tool bar, with a mouse. We need more flexibility here! Please add these controls to the key command list, and the remote control API.
In the past with the old score editor, the “Set Quantize/Grid”, and/or “Set Insert Length” commands would select these note durations, and also adjust the grid size for cursor movement (how far the cursor moves when tapping the left and right arrow keys).
By default, Cubase has a number of key combos already setup for us for “Set Insert Length” (alt + 1-8 I think) bound for this purpose.
This still works for the other editors. I.E. In the Key/List/Drum Editors, with step mode enabled, I can tap alt+1 and the grid changes to a accommodate whole note, I play a note (or chord) on my MIDI controller, and it goes in as a “whole note”. I tap alt+2, and can enter a half note. Tap alt+3, quarter…and so on. Also with those default alt key combos (. and ,), are commands to toggle tuplet and dotted entries. I don’t have to fiddle with a mouse or track ball…to locate that tiny tool bar, and click.
I can also make a MIDI remote (Legacy or with the new system) to step input from my MIDI Controller (Bind any MIDI events I want to these DAW commands). It works with all of the MIDI editors BUT the new Score Editor.
We need this flexibility back with the new Score Editor. I’d rather be further from the PeeCee, using both hands and feet to play my instruments. I’d rather stomp pedals and tap nice big drum pads and such to do step entry…NOT go blind fiddling around with a mouse movement and click between every step.