Note is different when headphones used on MacBook Pro vs internal or keyboard speaker

This is using Dorico 5 with macOS Sequoia 15.2 on a MacBook Pro 15 inch 2019.

Note is entered as D. When played on MacBook speakers, it is correct, but with headphones plugged in, the D is played with the sound of a D Sharp. Removing the headphone plug from the jack resumes sound going to the MacBook speakers, and the D has the correct sound.
What is happening, and is there a incorrect setting causing this problem?

The main users are newbies, but another user is very experienced with the Windows version of Dorico, and had no idea what was happening. Any help is greatly apperciated.

Welcome to the forum @nboydman .

Sample rate is the issue here.
Please check with the Audio MIDI Setup app (to be found under Applications/Utilities) the sample rate setting of the built-in speakers and that of the headphones. Set them to whatever you like, but make sure they both use the same sample rate.

Thanks for your quick reply. I will look into that, but as far as I remember, the values were the same. I will check to see…

In checking, the digital piano defaults to a sample rate of 2-channel 16-bit 44,100 Hz, while the headphones default to the same 2-channel rate but with 24-bit, so I will change to be 16-bit and see what happens…

@Ulf, correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t the difference between 16 and 24 bit only a matter of amplitude (and not really anything to do with the sample rate)?

It’s a matter of dynamics resolution, yes. It has nothing to do with the frequency of the audio material. This is certainly not the culprit. The drivers’ sample rates should be checked out, as Ulf suggested, to make sure they match Dorico’s sample rate.

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