Notepad is too simple

We are talking about two different kind of text.

  1. Time based text (in this case the “text track” could be a nice idea) on the arrange window.
  2. Channel based text (the existing one) that needs some major improvement (useful for technical purpose like in mixing and editing jobs).

Just to be clear about our requests.

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An improved Notepad would be nice and there would be no reason to get rid of it. Also, a time based text track would complete with regard to note taking. In addition, synchronicity features with Score editor and this new type of track would surely make songwriters happy.


Time based text for for any kind of track would be great. Possibly with a summary like the Marker Window(but ready to print/export) . Or the Browser ( with an additional comment column) would be great for that, unfortunately no way of printing or exporting. And tne Notepad defintely needs improvement! R

I’d love this idea. We could display the waveform and insert text underneath. Good for tracking and editing too. I can’t count times I’ve heard a producer say “come in on that line about X and we’ll punch you out just before Y”… If the text track were searchable, we could search for a lyric like “Hey Jude” and the transport would take us to the 1st instance of that string. A Text Track could be really useful.

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I use the note function of cubase in every session to write down my hardware recall parameters. I found it more precise than taking a picture, since knob positions are highly dependent on camera angle I’ve learnd. It would be very helpfull to have the current featureset expand to have a better handling. Like:

  • Safe text presets for each hardware device.
  • a detached, bigger window.
  • basic text options like bold, cursive, underline, etc.
  • the possibility to add pictures.
  • the possibility to have hyperlinks.

Notepad is too simple, but I use Google Docs. The reason is that I spend maximum time on browser and Google Docs is the best tool for me. I can create notes and can do all the works that I can do in MS word. Google Docs has more features than Notepad and it is completely free. I know that notepad is also free but if when you use notepad then you have to open one more window and if you use google docs then you have to open the tab in your browser. If your work is on the browser then Google docs is the best option.
We can’t just insert the pictures in google docs even we can edit the images in google docs. The below-mentioned page will show you in detail about editing images in google docs.
These are the benefits that you get in google docs.

  • This is a complete word processor.
  • Create the charts and tables when needed.
  • Best to create the documents.
  • Download directly in the format that you want like text, Docx, and pdf, etc.
  • No need to worry about data loss. All the files will be saved on cloud storage in google drive.
  • Easy and user-friendly interface.
    There are lots of more benefits available in Google docs. These are just a few benefits. Read the below article. It will show in more detail.

Absolutely. Cubase users deserve a better work flow, as follows; all of which can be coded (although some already exists, not to mention the functionality I’ve missed). Anyhow, here’s an outline of the alleged requirements:

o1/ Automatically start Cubase, create a project based on an auto-selected template and set all relevant project parameters e.g., tempo, etc.;

o2/ Implement an auto-arrangement and populate each section with appropriate chord structures using Circle of 5ths, etc.,;

o3/ Determine applicable keys and write melodies for all parts e.g., vocal lines, solo parts, bass lines, etc., using note correction / prediction algorithms, etc.;

o4/ Construct percussion grooves / beats to suit arrangement and parts (preferably without"humanisation" as this might ruin the song);

o5/ Load (and configure) VST instruments and effects to suit above;

o6/ Assign all written parts to appropriate VSTs;

o7/ Generate algorithmic lyrical content from built in lexicon and assign to digital “text to speech to pitch: Auto Vocalist Pro II” VST;

o8/ Perform automatic mix and render song to high quality output file;

o9/ Save project;

1o/ Submit song to mastering software; and,

11/ Upon return, automatically submit song to distribution platform (Ditto, CDBaby, etc.,) and auto marketing suite;

12/ Pause as 11/ proceeds, until alerted of consequent revenues, news of which should be auto emailed to Cubase user (with comprehensive notes);

12/ Return to o1/.

Yeah, that’s what we want (NOT).

Of course, much of this already exists, but the rest? FFS, can people not write a song any more because their DAW only has a basic notepad? It’s a DAW, or at least part of one; not a replacement for human creativity. As for the notepad, what’s the problem? It’s “a pad of blank or ruled pages for writing notes”; at least that’s how it’s defined.

So, how about, grab your guitar (or whatever), find some paper and a pencil (or whatever) and see / hear what happens. Better still collaborate, face to face, with other human beings. Trust me, roughing out songs, or similar, has little to do with contemporary high end music / audio technology (that kicks in later). Indeed, it’s all in the mind… Somewhere… You’ve just got to tease it out…

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RJI-777, You are absolutely right!

But what are you doing on this forum to type on your keyboard. Please write your comments on paper and mail this letter to us. We will be happy to read it …

Let’s be serious, there are users who make suggestions, who ask questions, who ask to confirm and fix Bugs and all of this can be very relevant. Everyone knows that Steinberg already has a list of things to improve in Cubase that are definitely more important and priority than a simple suggestion to improve the Notepad text editor.

However, Liziang who suggested it at the very beginning asked that if we liked this tip, be sure to vote! Obviously, if that leaves us totally indifferent, we just have to ignore it.

It was only a suggestion after all!

Keeping this short and sweet. Get your guitar remove five of the strings. You only need one string to write a song, why make your guitar more vesatile than it needs to be.
Tell Steinberg to dump multiple tracks in cubase, you only need one.
I could go on for ever.

I think you are referring to this Notepad?

The OP is referring, I hope, to the Cubase Notepad for every type of mix console track except Audio Inputs.
Welcome to the forum and thank you for posting a recommendation.

I totally agree. A text editor should at least change the font size and font type and then do other things. Entering annotations is important. It would be interesting to associate it with the Marker through identification IDs. Ex: the marker (5) associated with text n.5 which I can open in popup and view it.

Agree. The current notes is very poor. I would really like to see something like a ’ Lyric Track’ which can scroll forward as the project plays even horizontally ?


would love this as I use the notepad in Cubase usually for ideas and when singers need lyrics they read off my screen… it’d be better to at least have the option to increase font size so it’s not so tiny by default without having to change your whole system settings

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