NotePerformer fp

I would try reinstalling NotePerformer.

Thank you Ulf! How do I do that?

Request a new download link from WalanderInstruments ( Wallander Instruments ) , download and then run the installer again. If you are on Win, you probably first need to uninstall via Window’s Control Panel.

Thank you so much Ulf! You saved me a lot of time and effort!

The result is: pizz. changes to arco without hidden “nat.” So that’s a great improvement!

However I still can’t find NotePerformer in some Endpoint Setups while in others it’s there automatically…

Ah, now it works in all projects: I changed to HSO and then back to NotePerformer in the problematic projects and now everything’s fine. :slight_smile:

Thank you all for your time and patience!

A few, myself included, have had one or two issues with this but thanks to Dorico’s invention of Exclusion Groups, I no longer need a nat either. Create a group with Bowed (arco), Pizz and Natural and you shouldn’t ever need one again either (although I can’t rule it out if you use complex combinations of articulations, as Daniel says)