Why is now that when I go into Properties I see nothing! Even the Common section is blank. I was able to change the size of some note heads before; but now that I need to do it again I can’t because the Properties areas is blank.
You need to click something to see its Properties. Does the Properties panel still appear blank?
thank you for your question!
In Dorico you will only see a property, if you have selected an item, which can have properties applied. If one thinks about it, it’s quite logical.
I don’t understand. I highlight a measure and go to properties and I get nothing. What am I missing? I didn’t have this problem before.
Click an item (e.g. a notehead). Does something appear?
Dorico will only show the properties in common for all of the different types of items you select, which will normally be just the Common group, if you select different types of items. If you want to see the properties for, say, notes, make sure you have only got one or more notes selected, and no other types of items as well.
No. Nothing.
Well, I figured it out. I simply saved my work and closed the programme. Then reopened it. Properties was restored. Go figure.
Ralph, good you figured it out.
Hello, I’ve had the same issue of disappearing properties, despite selection, and like Ralph could only fix it by quitting Dorico completely and reopening it.
Am pleased to join the forum!
Welcome to the forum, @sallygalet
Next time, try to take a screenshot and post it here, so we can see what’s going on.
Will do !
Still all very new to me ( another Finale conversion) but I’m gradually making progress.
Thanks for the speedy feed-back