Novation Launchkey 61 MK3 scripts - how to re-download

My Cubase Pro 13 has been crashing constantly, but when i remove the Launchkey 61, it stops crashing. In my troubleshooting process, i removed all traces of Novation from my Conputer so i could start over.
Novation does not carry the scripts that Cubase installs.
I Re-installed Cubase3 13 Pro Update from Steinberg’s Download Manager but still no Novation scripts installed.
I installed Novation’s USB midi driver but it does not show in Cubase.
How can i get the factory Launchkey 61 MK3 Scripts?
Thanks in advance.

HI @Rexxyboy,
same question here as my Novation LK62 mkIII is not always recognized in some project…
I had a long live chat with Novation support, last week, and initially solved the issue but the problem is back now and scripts are made from Steinberg as far as I know…

I have to precise that Novation doesn’t crashes but often doesn’t keep color tracks settings, especially in the cursor part…
Sometimes deactivating/reactivating the script in the midi remote manager is sufficient but yesterday I missed my script file and I couldn’t no more find it in his folder… As I am on a Mac I searched it in Time Machine and voilà, everything was fine again.

One tip I could give, as it works in my experience, is not to open different projects at the same time (only one opened and active!) because this seem to send LK in confusion… My two cents, hope it’s useful!

My LK 49 has been weird the last week or so. I honestly cant remember if it was still working when I first updated Cubase 14, or if I did any firmware updates on the LK lately, but the lights no longer light up here.

The pads/faders/buttons still seem to do their job, the display still says Cubase on it, but I get no visual feedback anymore, the LED’s are just dead in MIDI Remote now. It’s not the Launchkey either, as soon as Cubase shuts down, it goes back into its normal MIDI mode and everything lights back up. Deactivating/Reactivating doesn’t help either.

Last night I was digging through the preferences, cleared out all my User Settings for the MIDI Remote (and think I finally got rid of my old LK 25 still showing up), but nothing helped. I was about to back up my key commands and preferences and wipe everything and reinstall it…

So upgrading to C14 gave me new Scripts for the LK61 as it;s bakid in to the installer. Shame these cannot be downloaded separately to avoid completely re-installing the Daw to get it back. I’m yet to try it via USB again in C14, will do today, but i did export the script out of C14 for future use!

Do the faders and knobs have soft takeover in Cubase 14, or do they still jump parameters?

Thinking of scrapping mine for a Keystation since without soft takeover the knobs and faders are impractical (useless to me) and I’d rather have a smaller controller, instead.

I have Maschine controllers for pads, already (MK3 and Mikro MK3).

I don’t recall inspecting this script, however and fortunately it’s up to it to set the controls to takeOver. So in case they haven’t implemented it this way, we can always alter it.

Hmmm seemed to have ‘fixed’ my Launchkey 49’s lights not turning on. Wiped out everything related to the MIDI Remote, and actually reinstalled Cubase this weekend.

Opened a project, and it still was not lighting up despite working as it should, although, this time I noticed the Mute/Solo button finally lit up. I deleted the controller entirely from the project, and added it as a brand new one, and voila instantly started working as it should. After that, I started opening up other projects, they were doing the thing where it made a new instance of the controller (the old one was still listed as well), but the new one was working. Just went through and deleted the old controllers and left the ‘new’ ones intact. Back to normal and I can see my flashy track colors on the pads again (and know what tracks are selected/armed/etc).

Seems like something to do with the script changed between 13/14 maybe? When Cubase opened and redownloaded the scripts (I watched it in the Finder in the background), they were dated Oct 2024, so perhaps they were updated at some point and mine didnt take properly.

Finally testing my Novation Launchkey MK361 it in C14, Worked well for a an hour, then Cubase FREEZES… Unplug the USB from the Launchkey and Cubase resumes normal operation. Either my keyboard is faulty or this product is garbage with respect to software. i’m So reverting back to running old school midi out into my RME midi input and shopping for a replacement from a different manufacturer, maybe Arturia.

I reset the keyboard to factory settings before this using the Novation Desktop app.