So, I’ve worked with my Launchkey Mk4 37 for about a month and, ironically, I would say that I’m actually really happy with the “design” of the whole thing. By “design” I mean how several sections of Functionality have been interspersed throughout the map, and onto the Mk4. I really like how the encoders are directed to the Quick Controls, and I like how one can switch between DAW modes, Transport Control Mode, Plugin Mode and Mixer Mode. I like the thought behind it.
My problem lies in how all this is implemented-or perhaps I should more accurately say, how the script has been written up. I have been plagued with huge issues involving the Launchkey inadvertantly disconnecting-pretty much exclusively from it’s DAW Section.
I wanted to give myself a bit of time to observe all the trends of it’s behaviour before I posted this, because I wanted to be able to give people as good a chance of assisting as possible: what seems to be happening more than anything else is if/when I open up and activate a project (often while keeping another project open) then, somehow, within that transition from one Project being activated to another Project being activated, the DAW Control section seems to lose complete contact with the MIDI Map. What will happen is: the small screen on the LK will only show the word “Cubase”, rather than what it should show (i.e.: ScrubZoom LPS . . etc.)
From that point forward it is anyone’s guess as to how to re-connect the DAW Control section with MIDI Remote. Sometimes going to the MIDI Remote Manager and Dis/Re-enabling the Script will work, sometimes it won’t. Sometimes doing that in conjuction with pressing the Reload Scrips button will work, sometimes it won’t. Sometimes dis/reconnecting the LK will work, sometimes it won’t.
From what I can see, the one thing that seems to give the highest likelihood of me retaining DAW Control for a pre-existing Project seems to be to first open up the Project and then to connect the LK. And then, if I want to go to another project what that means is: the highest likelihood of retaining DAW Control seems to be to close up Cubase entirely, re-open it up, open up the Project, and then re-connect the LK. Super annoying and super inconvenient.
And yet: I welcomed learning about all this minutae, because I felt that the more behaviour I could report on, perhaps the nearer to understanding what exactly is going on-from a script level-I could get knowledgable people like M.C. to be on this problem.
There seems to be some sort of Communication issue, wherein the LK and MIDI Remote seem somehow to lose contact with one another, and this loss of communication seems to be happening while there is some sort of hand-off going on between one project and another within Cubase.
Ok-I’ve talked quite more than I wanted to, but, again: this is such a complex/infuriating issue that I wanted to give anyone out there who maybe could help as much information as I could. And, yes: I’ve been in deep contact with Novation. I’ve spent a couple of useless days trying to get them A. to understand that there are many of their MIDI Remote scripts-with many of their LK products-that are exhibiting the same types of behaviour (double instances of one device, sudden loss of contact, etc.) and I even invited them to visit this forurm, and directed them, specifically, to research all of M.C.'s work that he’s done, because I thought that therein lay some important clues for them on how to ultimately fix these problems.
So, M.C.-if you’re out there: what do you think, from what I’ve described thus far?