today, I setup 9.1.4 output in Nuendo… I tried 7.1.4 output bus before and all was fine. Now, “upgrading” to 9.1.4 output bus, I find out, that the 2 additonal speakers are placed in between the Front Left - Center and Center - Front Right !? - Due to the Dolby setup sheet for 9.1.4 with overhead loudspeakers, the two additional speakers should appear in between Front Left - Side Left and Front Right - Side Right as “Front Wide Speakers”… So what’s going on here ? - Is Dolby wrong ? Or Steinberg ? - Also the speaker placement in panner, all speakers in one line along the front, is not what Dolby’s 9.1.4 setup should look like… See here: 9.1.4 Overhead Speaker Setup - Dolby compared to this:
Hello everyone,
Yes I also have the same problem, 9.1.4 and 9.1.6 wrongly add Left-Center and Right-Center when it should primarily add the Wides. Nuendo should offer a choice in the options between the two, or just fix that.
I suspect its because Steinberg have painted themselves into a corner with entirely the wrong speaker order in general. And they wont admit it or change it.
Imagine trying to put these extra speakers of 9.1.4 between LR and Lrs/Rrs …yeah it wont work.
If youre not sure what I’m saying, I’m referring to the fact that they have the sides and the rears swapped to follow some old microsoft convention of the past. Now they just bury their heads in the sand and ignore it.
ie (naming aside) 7.1 should be L R C LFE Lss Rss Lrs Rrs (but its not)
and thus 9.1.4 should follow: L R C LFE Lws Rws Lss Rss Lrs Rrs Lft Rft Lrt Rrt (but it cant because of the way they have chosen the order of 7.1)
As you can see 7.1 is actually not the order you list. It is instead rears before sides. Incidentally the same for 7.1.2. Of course these are renders, but still.
Seems to me there is no consistent actual standard that companies follow consistently, so it’s up to engineers to make it work. Sucks but is what it is.
Ya. While I can understand the argument that many make that Steinberg should change how they order things to be like others… it is not the case that there is a “the standard” that everyone but them follows. Personally I wish instead of it being done by channel order there was metadata tagging what a channel was supposed to be so order didn’t matter, everything always knew what it was. that ship has sailed though.
That chart is for Protools who also are stuck on the wrong one. The convention exists as SMPTE and Dolby follow this now.
Except when they have to make exceptions for Avid and Steinberg. Its like the rest of the world has moved on except Avid and Steinberg.
A standard is emerging.
When we deliver, the streamers want the SMPTE/Dolby order even though in the past that might have been different, it has been SMPTE for a few years now. Davinci Resolve has this order. Hell MS even has adopted this order now if you look around.
BluRay spec has the old order (Steinbergs choice) but this format is disappearing. In DCP the sides are on channels 5 and 6 then the rears are appended on at 11 and 12. So this practically follows the SMPTE standard.
When we deliver interleaved deliverables, going forward the requirements by most streamers and multichannel interleaved stems for NLE like Resolve want the new order. So do you ever deliver from Nuendo to one of these as interleaved or are you always breaking it up into mono?