Nuendo 13 crashes about every 3 hours

I have a brand new m4 Mac mini with the latest os. any suggestion? known issues? thanks

Yer gonna have to give us a whole lot more data to get a sentient answer!

OS version (assuming Sequoia, I guess)
What is happening when it crashes, if there’s any repeatable behavior
Other apps running at the same time
Good installation? Chuck/check your prefs?
And stuff like that.

The bottom line is that it shouldn’t be happening, and doesn’t happen for the vast majority of us, so it’s probably traceable to some sort of issue outside of Nuendo… unless you have a corrupted install.



thank you chewy.
OS is sequoia 15.2. 48gb of memory. m4pro. 1 TB internal drive.
I have two screens and my main one (view sonic) strangely cuts out for about 3 seconds every 5 minutes or so. I am in high power mode, no screen saver and the screens are set to turn off after 2 hours. this morning when I woke up the primary screen did not come up at all and I ended up restarting. this might be a clue.
I have three apollos connected thru thunderbolt 3. I am trying to do a fairly elaborate monitoring system using “flex route” to break out to an analog mixer. I have spent a lot of time with ua I/o matrix page making changes in an attempt to make it work so far limited success.
there doesn’t seem to be any repetablitly in the crashing it just goes unresponsive so it force quit and restart. I have set preferences in general to simple settings, I can be more specific if I need to be. thank you so much for helping, Ron.

From time to time I’ve had issues with screens inexplicably losing signal, though I think it’s finally been dealt with-- you must be using some kind of dock or combination of them to get all of those Apollos and monitors going. Connections to all of those intermediary contact points, and their susceptibility to losing it when moved or touched was the initial issue for me. Experimenting with what peripherals were going into which TB port ultimately led to things getting fully dependable; haven’t had an issue in months.

With that in mind, I’d try messing with the ports first. I don’t think you need to be in High Power Mode; you might experiment with setting it to “Automatic” if the minis make that possible.

And of course, and no insult intended, make sure your USB/Thunderbolt cables are all rated appropriately and are connecting fully. Maybe experiment with replacing them one by one.

I’m willing to bet that if you get the screen issues resolved, the problems with Nuendo will go away as well. I hope so!


Same configuration here and no issues. Sorry.

Almost all crashes I’ve ever had were related to third party plugins. It’s a drag to try and figure out which is causing the crash.

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things have stabilized a bit since I stopped messing with console assignments which had me constantly power cycling apollos etc. I also bought a new screen (arrives tomorrow) just in case that was contributing. I will report back. thanks everyone for weighing in… oh and regarding 3rd party plugins, I only have the ua stuff, proq4 and soothe2. are there any gotchas there?

Try removing proq 4, some people had issues with it

ok good to know (about proq4). do you know if the issues were tied to nuendo13 or the Mac m4pro chip? thanks

Nothing here running the M3 Max, both Cubase 14 Pro and N13. Similar setup with 2 Apollo x8’s and a Twin Quad, and with 4 monitors (2xApple Studio tb4, 1xXDR tb4, and Samsung HDMI) using a CalDigit TS4 and Element 4 tb hubs.

Every once in a while my Apollo will just lose connection (I have them all daisy-chained) but that’s just UA’s Apple Silicon drivers are still a bit fragile. One further note is that UA inexplicably made a design decision to automatically load SoundID Reference upon launching Console whether you purchased (or even tried a trial) of their correction add-on. Meaning, they think the only possible way one could have SoundID loaded on a system is if you purchased it for use with UAD-based correction. I actually had to move my SoundID app to my NAS to prevent it. But my console-based routing is otherwise fine, and I also use UA Midi Control with my SSL UF8/UC1/UF1 controllers to control UA Console (and DAW).

Addendum, I should note my Apollo’s are NOT part of the TB4 hub routing - I go directly out of a tb port into x8:1, which chains into x8:2, which chains into Twin.