“Solo Defeat” has now taken over the key combination that I could previously use to enable Solo on multiple selected channels (holding Shift+Alt while clicking Solo on one of the selected channels). Is there a way to change this behavior to how it was in Nuendo 12?
I have the same problem !!! in N12 it works this way, in N13 it doesnt…
I hold the keys and hit solo on the Avids instead of the XR. If you have a controller it’s
a work around for the moment.
Can’t you just go to key commands and set it up as you fancy?
I have tried to do that. There’s no “Enable Solo on selected tracks” function available.
oh i see, like it was a hardwired key command.
As a workaround, have you tried using Q-link? That way you can always solo the selected tracks, among other things.
I find Q-link very useful!
But that’s the very problem - the key combination to activate Q-Link is exactly what I’m trying to use. But instead of the Solo following Q-Link like it used to, now using the key combo Alt+Shift+S turns into Solo Defeat on Selected Channels. I find this extremely frustrating. Why did they have to change this? Why couldn’t they just add the Solo Defeat as a new combination instead of replacing a familiar one? I just don’t get it. WHY?
Nope, this doesn’t work on my PreSonus FaderPort. The Solo button on that controller only activates Solo on one channel at a time, it doesn’t apply it to all the selected channels.
But if you are using Q-Link, you don’t need a different key command than your normal Solo one. It will solo all the selected channels. Or am I missing something?
You can make one with the PLE, and assign a keystroke to the preset.
Also you can use the key command for the prefs Enable solo on Selected Track(s)
Ahhh, fantastic! Thank you! I’m so silly.
No this doesn’t work.
the shortcut for Q-Link is holding down alt + shift.
In previous versions, you could solo all selected tracks while holding those keys.
Now, it doesn’t do that, it puts all the selected tracks in solo defeat.
It works indeed if you go to the mixer window and click on the knob Q-Link in the toolbar. But that’s superslow and not efficient in many cases.
If I’m right, this issue will be fixed in an upcoming maintenaince update.