Nuendo 13 - Media Bay Crashing Session

Nuendo 13 crashing when I open MediaBay (shows no files, just spinning rainbow wheel of death)…so I opened a new session in Nuendo 12, opened the MediaBay window, saved the session and then opened it in Nuendo 13 - this is the screen I get? I tried deleting MediaBay prefs, no luck!


Could you try to trash the Steinberg MediaBay Server folder from the preferences folders, please?


@Martin.Jirsak SOLVED! Thank you!!!

Hello, I’m facing the same issue, and deleting the folder as you suggested didn’t fix the crashing problem. I’m able to open Media Bay and play the default scanned audio, but as soon as I input any information into the search bar, the program crashes instantly. Additionally, clicking on other buttons, such as the file directory on the left side, also causes crashes. I tried sending my folder to you, but the webpage indicated that the memory usage was too high, and sending a link was also not allowed. My email is, please contact me if needed.

Same issue here!working perfectly in nuendo12,but can’t show any audio file in nuendo13 media bay.tried delet all media bay preset also deleted steinberg mediabay server folder.when I open nuendo 13 again,there is nothing in mediabay pool,when I trying rescan disk,it will finish very fast not as normal,but there is only every folder showed but no audio file.


Attach the *.ips/dmp file(s), please.

@Martin.Jirsak - I don’t actually receive a crash file. The rainbow wheel of death reveals itself and just hangs. I have to force quit to exit out.

This happens when I try to access the mediabay + media on the right hand side of the interface.

I have deleted Nuendo 13. (thankfully, Nuendo 12 still works) - and tried to re-install…but no luck.

I have also tried the fix you recommended earlier (deleted Steinberg MediaBay Server)…no luck.

I installed Nuendo 13 a few days ago, and just now opened the media bay list on the right side, the one that makes you crash. For each audio drive, it repopulated rather quickly, no issues. Howev er, when trying to look into my “documents” or “downloads” or any folder on my System drive, it asks for permission to do so. Did that happen to you, the first time you opened that media tab? It should.

You should have gotten a pop up window asking to allow Nuendo access.

Perhaps the permissions is set wrong for Nuendo, to look at your system drive?

@noeqplease - I didn’t receive a pop-up window asking for access!..but I went to Privacy & Security - Nuendo 13 was unchecked!..I checked the box and tried again, no luck.

I removed Nuendo 13 and all of it’s preferences - (this time Privacy & Security was checked automatically)…but same issue.

Sucks, given that I paid for the upgrade and installed like 2 days after the release and still haven’t been able to use it.

Thank you for your response! It’s more than I’ve gotten from the good folks at Steinberg (I spoke with their US customer support person 2 weeks ago - he said they were about to go into an engineering meeting and call me back - it’s been crickets.)

…even being a Steinberg user since the Atari Falcon days doesn’t count for much.

oh, well, at least I have Nuendo 12 hahahahahahahaha

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Yes, still the same problem here. Have to switch back to Nuendo 12. No way to work like this…

Hi and welcome to the forum,

@Oliver_Mota_Producti , also no *.ips file for you?

Mac: macOS Console utility > Crash Reports (or ~user/Library/Logs/Diagnostic Reports).

Do you have the latest MediaBay component installed, please?

Ok, just now there was an Nuendo update release. I’ll redo everything and then come back.

Ok, on my Mac, it seems that the Nuendo 13 Media Bay can’t read the content of folders with the | symbol. Nuendo 12 had no problem with it. After I renamed them, everything seems to work at a first glance.

After updating to, and removing the | symbol from all folders, the media bay is stable!