Hello! I love the new ability to import Dorico files into Nuendo 14, I’ll be using this lot! I was curious though, in addition to the midi data that gets imported, is it possible to also import the VST instruments and inserts from the Dorico project as well?
Can we import into Dorico from a .xml archive, as well?
Were that the case, I would be in the running to purchase Dorico.
Not currently, but this is something we hope to do in the future.
Do you mean a Cubase track archive or a MusicXML file? If you mean track archive, then no, not directly. Dorico doesn’t have the ability to read Cubase project or track archives. However, Cubase 14 can import and export Dorico projects.
Hi Paul,
Yes, I was talking about .xml archives, otherwise known as Track Archives.
It would be great if Dorico could read some of the information in the aforementioned files, since there is no equivalent MIDI editing functionality in the Notation Package, insofar as the DAW’s are concerned.
As far MusicXML files are concerned, that would be great of course if there was full compatibility between the DAW’s and, again the Notation Package but I know being an open standard, that it may still take some time before there is full compatibility unless those days are over, using MIDI as a converter.
Dorico does not read any Cubase files, regardless of the file format. If you export a Dorico project file from Cubase, you should find the actual played positions and durations of the notes (playback offset in Dorico terms) should be identical to those in Cubase. What’s missing is any MIDI modifier, note expressions or any other expression map match modifying the output. We’ll certainly evaluate if we can bring some of that data along to the Dorico project output in the long term. Let us know if there is anything beyond those things, that you would like to use.
Thanks for letting me know! I’ll be looking forward to it.