Nuendo 7.1 not extracting audio from video?

Good evening, much esteemed fellow nuendistas!

Just wondering - does Nuendo 7.1 still extract audio from video when importing a video clip at your places?
It seems to have stopped doing that over here - yes, even with the box checked…

Or is it just me or my crap video clips?

:smiley: :smiley: I’ve almost misread your post in a hurry as “fellow nudists” :astonished:
Last time I was on N 7.1 for the few minutes before it crashed badly …yes it was properly extracting audio.
I never had issue with that coming from MC and Premier as H264 or MP4.

I am restricted to work on N 7.035 as the last solid and stable Nuendo version :frowning:

Don’t knock it 'til you’ve tried it! :smiley:
Just back from a lovely afternoon in the park with my fellow nudists… :laughing:

Strange. It’s purring like a kitten here - except this thing that I can’t seem to get it to extract audio any more. That however is proving to be a tad annoying… Thanks for the info anyhow.