Now this one is a big one and I hope can be reproduced and really looked into. So far its happening on 2 long form projects. The issue is:.
When importing tracks for another project. In this case source was a Nuendo 10.3 project coming into Nuendo 11.0.2. I select copy media to project. (not ref linked). Another project was actually copied to the same main computer as the Nuendo 11 project but on a different drive.
Nuendo seems to think there are now 0 external files. However seems to actually be linking the files to the original location of where the audio files were located in the original project.
I have to be extra careful now, as when I discovered the issue I had actually deleted the other project file to free room thinking it had copied all the files it needed, however when the folder was gone, now Nuendo is missing many files that were located in that folder.
Thanks for your attention to the issue or possible bug.