Numbered Notation, a.k.a. "Jianpu".

For our purposes, not to preciously have a Jianpu notation, but for an aid for note reading:
0-7 (for note pitch and rest)
multiple dots below and above (for octaves)
multiple underline below (for eight/sixteen…)
joined underlines would be preferrable but acceptable if separeted.
slurs above across two or multiple notes
various types of barlines (at least single/double/final barline)
dots between for dotted rhythm
and maybe some more little detail.

Attached a collection of Jianpu fonts I found. I even tried to modify one of it to be used in Dorico as lyrics. (Changed some keys to avoid conflicts with Dorico pharsing the underscore and dash or something I forgot). Although most of the documents are in Chinese, but might be still helpful to understand what and how they support in Jianpu notation.

I really, really appreciate you and all Doricians who are willing to give this some love.
JianPu (906.9 KB)