Numbering every Bar

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I am trying to put a number over every bar so that I don’t lose my place when I have to make a correction in one of the bars (measures).

Hope whoever sees this was able to get my screenshot.
Thanks for your help.


Try Layout Options → Bar Numbers → Frequency → Show Bar Numbers → Every Bar.
Also, in Galley View, you see bar numbers in blue above every bar.

You can also show the system track, it shows bar numbers every bar without affecting the notation.

Key command Alt/Opt-T.

That typically works for me, but I have the system track on, but it’s no longer showing bar numbers with every bar. Is there something else I can do?

If you’re not seeing bar numbers anywhere, that suggests you may have an invalid repeat structure somewhere.

I’m not sure what that means. I don’t have any actual repeats in my score. Though I did do some things earlier in the score with freely notated bars. Could that have something to do with it?

If you post your project here, we can find out what’s going on right away.

An August Morning (new) – Robert Stern.dorico (458.5 KB)
Here you go. Thank you for checking it!

Thanks for the score! (Nice work so far!)

The free-time bar in the piano is the cause – for some reason I’m not sure of. It might be because you added or edited grace notes at the beginning of that bar.

When I delete the X meters, the bar numbers reappear. And they remain when I recreate the meters: Select the bar rest in LH and make one, then Alt-click on the downbeat (the main note) in RH. Hide them again in Properties.

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I’ve had quite the time getting to this point in this score, as I’m just a beginner with Dorico. So I’ll probably not rock the boat at this point and not try to fix the measure number issue. But I appreciate your help.

Have no fear of changing time signatures! Deleting and remaking meters is non-destructive. You’ll be back exactly as you were, with no further edits, but with correct bar number display.