MacBook Pro Max2
Sonoma 14.7.1
Cubase 14.0.5
Here’s another performance issue with Cubase 14 that has forced me to go back to Reaper, for the time being. I sent this issue to Steinberg Support two weeks ago. They told me it has been elevated to the Steinberg Germany team but I have not heard anything yet.
If I insert a hardware effect insert on any channel and bypass (but not completely turn off the external effect) Cubase runs well albeit only at 512 buffer or lower. However, if I dare remove a hardware external effect insert, or completely turn off that insert, I get the red light and no sound and the ASIO Guard max’s out on the Audio Performance Monitor. This makes it impossible to take advantage of an offline render as I have to keep at least one hardware external effect on (one per project) at all times. As long as I have one external hardware insert on (bypassing is fine), and I only need one on only one channel, then Cubase will run at 512 buffer or lower. I would very much like to be able to offline render for a couple of reasons.