I wanted to remix some of my older projects that were done years ago with Cubase 5. Back then I used some synth plugins, that are no longer available in the current Cubase versions, e.g. Monologue or Halion One.
Is there any chance, I can get them to work again in Cubase 10.5 or Cubase 14 on Windows?
I know, they are 32-bit, but usually I could bring over such old plugins to 64-bit-world using jbridge. I tried this yesterday for Monologue but without any success.
You would need to use any kind of Bridge (like jBridge). Or you can use 3rd party plug-in host, which can stream the audio back to Cubase (for example VST VEPro).
One possible approach: if you can still run Cubase 10.5 then you must have a USB-eLicenser, in which case you can also still run Cubase 8.5 32-bit, which still had e.g. Monologue. You could then render the Monologue tracks to audio for import into Cubase 14.
As I said: I tried to use jbridge, but for some reason it did not work out.
When I search for VEPro I only find the “Vienna Ensemble” symphonic library…
Yeah sure. But I would prefer to be more flexible and to be able to do some editing.
Maybe exporting audio is what I will have to do in the end.