One thing I dearly miss from Pro Tools, GUI-wise?

I hear you – I come from the hardware days as well. This way of working that PT and many others have still maintains that as much as you’d prefer, but it really does speed things up if you want to use it to avoid lots of unnecessary mousing about and clicking in big mixes and projects (even small mixes and projects!). If it were in Cubase I guarantee you would start using it because it’s not a new feature per se, but a faster more intuitive way of doing things like I’m talking about, should one want to.

Well if it comes to Cubase I’m sure I’ll give it a go, though getting older in the tooth I’m still open to new things…particularly if it makes things more efficient. :slight_smile: Thanks.

Here’s a great example of why this is superior to the way the Cubase inspector works. In this video you can see he has it configured to show all the inserts, some sends, input and output, and volume and pan. You can keep it all small and neat and tidy in PT, and not have everything up if you don’t want the track title area to be as wide – it’s all quite configurable. He doesn’t have to click on a channel first then navigate to an inspector to adjust the volume, and then have to click again to the Inspector insert page to compare the plugins; and he never has to switch or move all the way to the mixer to do these things… All he has to do is click/adjust once directly on any track he desires to adjust volume or pan, bypass or open up plugins, change input or output of the track, etc. This is the main missing piece in Cubase’s GUI to me, and it makes it feel dated and clumsy in comparison – and Pro Tools is even older than Cubase! :wink:

Again, it’s all completely configurable to how you want it, so you can show or hide whatever you want on the track itself…they could/should still keep the inspector if you feel like clicking more and moving your mouse around more for many things. :slight_smile:

Here you can see how his config looks like with a very small track height: Acme Opticom XLA-3 Compressor (Review) | - YouTube

And here you can see how it looks with the track height made larger (it smartly automatically re-configures how it looks for the best): Acme Opticom XLA-3 Compressor (Review) | - YouTube