Option to Save PLE command dissapeared?

For some bizarre reason, the option to “Save” a PLE command has suddenly disappeared while I’ve been working on some new commands. Any ideas?

Just for the sake of checking -

Tried moving my commands out of the user presets folder > restart > reopen Cubase - nope

Tried moving them to the Roaming / Steinberg / C12 / Presets / PLE folder > restart > reopen Cubase - nope

Tried moving them to the C:/programfiles/steinberg/c12/presets/PLE folder > restart > reopen Cubase - still nope

Certainly weird. The next steps would be to start Cubase without Pref file.
If that doesn’t help, remove the entire Preferences folder and start Cubase then.

Well, trashing the prefs seems to have sorted it. :+1:

Must be the recent Windows update not playing too nice with Cubase. Been a few little odd behaviours happening that I’ve never had prior.