Origin Time in Edit-rename

I would like to see origin time in one of the slots of the rename function in the pool.

presently we have “Project Time” which is not the same as Origin Time.

Please add Origin Time as one of the pull down options.

Hi! What did you mean by “rename function”? Also, what did you mean by “pull down option”? I’m interested in your topic because the Origin Time column (in the latest Cubase versions) is giving me constant headaches. Every time I bounce a selection that’s located somewhere on the fourth day (say the timecode of the selection is [ 3 1:00:00.000] and the project starts at [ 0 0:00:00.000]), executing the “Move > Events to Origin” command doesn’t yield the expected result. The expected result would be for the event to stay put, not to move itselft one day earlier…
