OT - New Forum Login

For the past 2 days, since the forum was temporarily made read-only, my logins have been misfiring. When I click “Login”, I’m offered 3 choices, only one of which works. It logs me in, but I’m logged out after only a short time.

How can I fix this?

Thank You

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Same as , if your non active on the forum then your booted off

I agree about being a too short time. I’m re-logging about 20 times a day. (It happens I work in the meantime :wink: )

But living in Roma I understand the threat of ransomware :smiley:

Edt: Maybe @Ben_at_Steinberg can do something :slight_smile:

Apologies for the short session time; it’s related to the switchover to our new identity management system which happened yesterday. We’re working on a fix.


Thank you.

It looks quite better today… :smiley:

Yes, you should find that you’re logged out a lot less now.

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Absolutely Ben! :slight_smile: