I’m hoping that someone from Steinberg might read this and give an answer. I have Cubase 13 ( which I think is great!) and have just transferred a load of products from my USB stick to Steinberg Licensing using the redeem vouchers. That has all gone successfully. However, I still have quite a number of other products still on the USB stick. I was wondering if Steinberg will be doing something to allow my other products, which I’ve listed below, to be transferred.
Halion Symphonic Orchestra,
Eleck Drums VST Sound Set
Klanghaus Sound Loop Set,
Alan Morgan Signature Drums Vol 1 Sound Set
Electronic Mode Sound Loop Set
Sequel Content set
Basic FX Suite
Padshop Pro Extention
Are there plans to provide redeem vouchers for these products, to allow them to be transferred , or is there some mystical method I am not aware of that I need to do to make it happen myself?
Thank you, in advance, to any replies
same here. waiting on the chance to transfer some stuff.
also awaiting when Steinberg will stop to force install the elicsenser software on my computers since I don’t use ut
hi, have you already used the USB products under Cubse? Log in to Steinberg and go to: Show eLicenser-based products. All USB programs should be visible there… everything else is self-explanatory. Rolf
Hi Rolf,
Thanks for your reply, but I think you might have misunderstood the nature of my post.
I know which products I have on eLicenser. I have already transferred some of these from eLicencer to Steinberg Licencing using the Redeem Vouchers provided by Steinberg. The Redeem Vouchers provide new Download Access Codes to allow a person to transfer products from the eLicencer, which Steinberg is fazing out, to their new Steinberg Licencing system. My query was about the fact that, whilst Steinberg has provided Redeem Vouchers to allow me to transfer some of my products to the new licencing system, I still have a number of others which they have not yet given Redeem Vouchers for. I am hoping they will providing these soon.
I hope you get a reply as I have the same problem Basic FX suite, dubstep and Urban VST sound loop sets, Alto Glockenspiel iwth no vouchers to move fomr e- licenser to the new Steinberg Licensing. I also wonder if my audio interface interface UR824 needs needs the new type of license to future proof it (yes i know it’s old!)
Concur with the Basic FX Suite, I can’t find any way to transfer it to the new licensing system. If it won’t transfer I would like to know so I can move on with life!
You can’t do that, it needs a release from Steinberg that supports the new licensing. See the shared link
Thanks, I’ll take it off of my things to fret about list (it wasn’t very high up there).
Regarding HALion Symphonic Orchestra, I can say that one day I found a migration voucher in my MySteinberg account that I was able to redeem. For other products (samples & loops from Image Sounds) I only received vouchers on request (via support ticket). So I advise you to open a support ticket, at least for HALion Symphonic Orchestra.
Thanks Bentus, I will follow your advice.
Same here. They told me that the Basic FX Suite will be upgraded to the new system before the end of the year. But no way I can do that for my Absolute 3 package, which contains Halion6, The Grand, Symphonic Orchestra. I got a reply from Steinberg that those VST’s onl;y can be transferred if those were bought separetly, so not in the Absolute-package. Their advice was to upgrade the Absolute package. Nice (not) service !
Yes, this leaves a really bad taste.
I have the Absolute package too and use it less and less simply because it has to be on the computer with the dongle and I’ve got over the phase of having to take the dongle everywhere…just means I’ve been moving to other companies for virtual instruments for the future.
Absolute 6 uses Steinberg Licensing.
You should already have a voucher for this one.
Steinberg needs to release a Steinberg Licensing version of this software - work is underway.
This is a discontinued product that will not be updated to Steinberg Licensing. Padshop 2 has already migrated to Steinberg Licensing.
I’m afraid I definitely haven’t been given a voucher for Halion Symphonic Orchestra. I have now contacted Steinberg with a support request, so hopefully it will reach someone who can do something for me. I live in hope.
Thanks and yes I know this but I have an older one as I thought was clear.
Thanks and yes I know this but I have an older one as I thought was clear.
Of course.
Steinberg has been clear that the way to get many older products onto Steinberg Licensing is to pay to update to the latest version. You have a choice with Absolute - update to Absolute 6 and move to Steinberg Licensing, or remain on eLicenser with an older version. You must decide which option suits you.
I would not expect superseded versions of products to be migrated to Steinberg Licensing.
When I asked about getting Halion Sonic Steinberg support said yesterday ‘Unfortunately, Steinberg has decided that you can only access the new license system by purchasing an update. Unfortunately there is no free update for this license, I’m sorry’. I think i bought HS 3 ages ago and now when I open HS it says it is HS 7 so I’m not surer how I pay for an update as I believe I have the latest version. Maybe they mean I need to purchase Halion 7.
The upgrade you are looking for is to upgrade from HALion Sonic 3 to HALion Sonic Collection 7. That gives you some additional content and migrates the licence on Steinberg Licensing.
Its now approaching 4 weeks since I wrote to Steinberg Support and they still have not replied. Very poor customer support.