I am currently reinstalling my Studio iMac and was wondering what happened to my Pad Shop Pro Extension in my eLicenser (I bought the Pro upgrade a couple of years ago). I never received any option to transfer my license to the new Activation Manager. Is it even necessary?
@KarlKaos : I asked the same question in a support ticket to Steinberg. Their answer (referring to my personal licensing situation) was:
The Padshop Pro extension provided additional features to version 1.
Padshop Pro 2 has those features for every user. So, if you have a Cubase version, which includes Padshop Pro 2, there is no need for this license anymore.
They added: eLicenser will still work later on for eLicenser products. There is just no support anymore after April 2025.
Thanks for the reply. Indeed I have Cubase 14 Pro so I guess this license won’t be needed any more.
Then you are lucky. Exactly the same situation like me.
Actually, I tested two days ago the “Extension license” feature of “Importing a wave sample” in C14 Padshop Pro 2, and it worked perfectly without eLicenser connected.
Have a nice day.