Pan and Volume knobs in track header (not an Inspector!) for all types of tracks!

Please! Now we can only see the volume slider option in Group Track Type, but we also want to have a Pan option here, and not only on group track but for ALL track types. Huge time saver for a quick balancing in project window. That way you don’t need select tracks to change volume and pan, you would do it on the fly with this feature


Mixer window?

Here’s my conceptual art idea, what do you think ?

Track - Volume & Pan - Art Concept

My conceptual art idea no.2

Track - Volume & Pan - Art Concept 02

My conceptual art idea no.3

Track - Volume & Pan - Art Concept 03

My conceptual art idea no.4

Track - Volume & Pan - Art Concept 04

My conceptual art idea no.5

Track - Volume & Pan - Art Concept 06

My conceptual art idea no.6

Track - Volume & Pan - Art Concept 07


Idea 5 is really fine :+1:t2:

The colour scheme can be changed in any of them ofcourse. It’s more to do about the width, length and knob style.

I like the idea, but imo, sliders take up too much room.

I like something like this, but nice:



Nice suggestion, as long as the value change resolution isn’t too sensitive

Looks cool - that is exactly what I mean

Yes and when you hover above the values a large volume slider or pan knob/slider appears.

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I’ve reached my limit for votes but this one is HUGE for speed and workflow! Cubase needs it. It’s a really big difference in speed having this, would be a big help and timesaver/click-saver for every user.