Simple question -
I’m using Wavelab Pro and have two mono tracks which I want to pan left and right but then want to change that panning as the clips play (so that the sound of an arrow moves quickly from left to right). How is this simple effect done? I can’t find any mention of panning anywhere on Wavelab Pro. I can’t believe that a sophisticated program like this doesn’t have a pan feature!
There is a panning feature in the audio montage. You can pan entire clips globally, or you can display the panning envelope on the audio clips to automate the panning throughout the piece as you would in any other DAW.
Hi Folks - I have a semi related question: I have interleaved wav files that contain 16 or so mono files. The interleaved file comes from an RME UCX II. I’m multi tracking my modular synthesiser. The first 2 channels are always a stereo pair (the stereo mix) but the others are misc stereo or mono channels. I want to quickly mix and master the files. Usually I’m just using the stereo mix but sometimes I’ll add a bit of another track for interest or to fix a problem.
My question is:
Do I need to convert my mono channels to pseudo stereo channels in order to pan them?
Any other tips when working (and quickly mixing) 16 channels or so of audio?
cheers, Simon
p.s. I think the OP was referring to mono rather than stereo files?
if you setup a stereo montage (or multichannel if you so need), sure its no problem to also add mono tracks for those files, and you’ll have the panning ability to pan those mono tracks