Panning with plugin, how to?

Acustica Audio’s Salt eq includes a panner. If panning a mono audio track using Salt, will the audio track have to be converted to a stereo track for this to work?



you don’t have the plugin, and asking here for someone that does or?
If you don’t have the plugin, it might be better to ask Acoustica.
but why not stick with the Cubase panner? easier to keep track of things in the mixer.

I have the plugin. I have asked in an Acustica group on Facebook but noone seems to know. I just want to know if anyone here knows how to pan using a plugin.

I agree that sticking to Cubase’s mixer is the best option. But I still would like to know…



The plugin should react exactly the same as a Channel FX. If you use a Send FX with a Reverb for example, say for a drum track; if you place the panorama Hard Left for the Send, you will hear the reverb on the left.

I don’t see why the plugin would react differently. That’s what I think.

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This seems to be plausible. If you send a mono channel to another mono channel, there is no panning.
Translated to your plugin, if it is used as an insert, it would be like:
audio channel (mono) → plugin (mono) → back to audio channel (mono)

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Can’t you just test it? it should be really easy to hear if the track is panned or not.

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Thanks everyone for suggestions and input.

Jonny_Moneto, I think you are correct. I will try this.

Statherian, yes, I will try. I just thought someone here might know. I am actually not interested in using the plugin for panning. But I like to understand better how Cubase works in this respect.



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At least for Cubase’s built-in panning, it depends on the configuration of the track’s output.

If the track’s output is in mono configuration (e.g. mono group track, or left channel of your stereo out), it can’t be panned.
If the track’s output is in stereo configuration (e.g. stereo fx channel, or stereo out), it can be panned.

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Thank you, paka, that makes sense.


I have tested this now: converting the audio track to stereo makes it possible to use Salt’s panner.

I will stick to Cubase’s panner, though.

A big thank you to everyone who pitched in.

