Paragraph style - not appearing in engrave > paragraph style

paragraph style - not appearing in engrave > paragraph style.
Trying to place the page # @ bottom of page. but would like still to meet this dialogue box :slight_smile:
Thanks - Rami.

What version of Dorico are you using? That page you linked is from the Dorico 1 manual, but as of Dorico 4, the Paragraph Styles dialog is now on the Library menu.

We know that online searches often bring up older pages of the documentation, but it’s worth keeping an eye on the overall look and feel of the page as well as the URL to see if the page you’re looking at is relevant to your product version.

You can of course also search the relevant manual directly – here’s the landing page for the Dorico Pro 4 webhelp.

(To get the page number at the bottom of each page, you want to edit the Default page template – formerly “master page” – and either move or re-add a text frame containing the relevant page number token wherever on the page you want.)

Thanks very much for your fast reply and tips.
I realize that to cover all wanted & needed options in music via notation software in a specific manner requires perhaps a deviation from the simple way of things.
Yet - thanks again for your guidance and the landing page link.
Best to you, cheers - Rami.