[Partially Solved]: Mixer Question: Dorico 4 vs 5

I have a score with 32 performers. I recently upgraded the score from version 4 to version 5. I knew how to see all 32 in version 4 (there was a vertical scroll bar), but I can only see the first 16 in version 5. No scroll bar. How do I se the other 16?

It should be possible to scroll: but you may have to click and drag.

Using the scroll wheel on my mouse achieves nothing. Nor does clicking and dragging. I should clarify that I am using (or attempting to use) the ‘built-in’ Halion sounds. The mixer for those in version 4 was fairly intuitive. In version 5 not at all for me. Maybe I need to watch a few videos about mixer use.

Clicking and dragging the black space to the left of each fader seems to work here, albeit it’s a little slow and unwieldy. Same for scrolling up and down using the scroll wheel on my mouse or trackpad.

Well, I must not be in the mixer then. I thought I was. When I click on the Play tab, there is a list of instruments (and vocal parts) and I can indeed scroll up and down in that list. But I thought the Mixer was that pop-up thing that came up in a separate window when you open a project. There’s a list of all the parts there as well, but as I said above, you can’t scroll down to see anything past the sixteenth staff of the 32 staves that I have. I can scroll up and down to see all 32 when I open the Play tab, but not in that separate window. What am I misunderstanding?

Not sure. Can you share a screenshot of what you’re seeing?

I open the Mixer with F3 – does that work for you? (Windows)

OK, that works, and in that page I can see how to scroll through the whole list.
That’s NOT what I thought was the mixer, and now (of course!) I can’t get that other window to come up, to do a screenshot to show Lillie what I was talking about. Sigh!

But anyway, thanks for the pointer. That gets me to where I need to be to make the adjustments I need. That other window remains a mystery.