I have been using the Integra VST plugin for a while, but recently it started to fail. So since Integra is a rather old product, I decided to try to create patch script for it instead. Anyways, a few hours later I had developed a small python program to extract patches. This version is not yet complete, as it only included loaded extensions. I will update with a complete file with ALL the extension patches. I will NOT include USER patches in this file.
And here is the file including ALL patches for ALL extensions. integra-7.zip (51.3 KB)
NOTE: Remeber to put this file in: %AppData%\Steinberg\Cubase_XX\Scripts\Patchnames
Cubase_XX is your Cubase version. I struggled a lot by putting it in the Program Files\Steinberg. … but Cubase does not care about files added there
Thanks for the effort! Does this allow to select the different patches from the Integra-7 directly from the MIDI tracks, instead of needing to doing so from the plugin? I’m running Cubase 12 and actually have the physical Integra-7 hardware, and I’m looking for a more convenient way to setting up my MIDI tracks and to save my projects with all patches already arranged in them. Is this the purpose of this patches script file?
Yes that was the intended purpose. My plugin keeps failing and with this script I can just select the patch directly on the context menu for the track. No need t
You can edit the file if you need to re-arrange or remove certain modes or patch sets.
Note that you need to remove and re-install the patch for all changes. I think Cubase caches this somewhere
-------- Opprinnelig melding --------
Dato: 23.02.2025 17:47 (GMT+01:00)
Thanks for the effort! Does this allow to select the different patches from the Integra-7 directly from the MIDI tracks, instead of needing to doing so from the plugin? I’m running Cubase 12 and actually have the physical Integra-7 hardware, and I’m looking for a more convenient way to setting up my MIDI tracks and to save my projects with all patches already arranged in them. Is this the purpose of this patches script file?
Thanks! I placed the script in the correct path and trying to figure out how to access it from within Cubase 12 - from some reason I’m not able to see any indication if Cubase can see it, nor where should I look to access it. Perhaps there’s something inside Cubase 12 that I need to enable and don’t know what; I’m used to Cubase 6 and 7 and this 12 version interface is quite a stranger to me…
I managed to make it work - this is fantastic! To whomever that encounters problems setting this up, here are the steps:
Copy the script file to C:\Users\ [your username] \AppData\Roaming\Steinberg\Cubase [your version]\Scripts\Patchnames
Connect the Integra-7 hardware unit to your computer via USB (this won’t work via the 5Din connectors only, as Cubase must see the unit as an actual device); I checked this in both “GENERIC (MIDI only)” and “VENDOR (MIDI+AUDIO)” modes in the Integra.
*Since the Integra must be connected to the computer via USB, you can’t use the iPad app anymore to control the Integra - perhaps you could still control it with a wireless adapter, but I don’t have any to check this.
If Cubase is already opened, close and re-launch it again. Then, from the top menu bar, go to Studio → More Options → MIDI Device Manager.
Click on Install Device and you should see the “Integra-7” entry in the list. Double-click on it, change the default name if you like (I left the default “Integra-7” name) and hit OK. Then close the MIDI Device Manager window.
Add a new MIDI track, click on it and from the Inspector panel set the output routing to “Integra-7 (INTEGRA)” - this is the imported script with all the patches names (don’t confuse it with the entry named “INTEGRA-7”, as this one is the actual Integra-7 hardware that Cubase sees as an external device).
Once selected you would see that the Bank Selector dropdown list that previously showed “off” below the channel number in the Inspector has disappeared, and that only the Program Selector dropdown list remained. Clicking on it will reveal all the patches.
Note that the only manual thing that you’d need to do on the Integra is to load the desired SRX expansions, that is if you wish to select and use any of their sounds.
And that’s all. When you load a project that you set up with these patches it will automatically write the program changes in the Integra and set up all the instruments in the tracks based on how that you set them up.
Keep in mind that it is Cubase that makes the program changes in the Integra, and not vice versa. So from that moment, don’t touch the Integra’s dial to searching for sounds but do so only from the patches list in Cubase, as any program change that you make on the Integra won’t make any program change in Cubase, and you’d need to either re-select the patch that was previously selected on a given MIDI track, or if you don’t remember where you picked it from then to re-load your project again to making all the program changes in the Integra. As for using the iPad app wirelessly to control the Integra since its USB port is taken by the computer now, I guess it will work, but you’d need to force Cubase somehow to pull the program changes from the Integra for everything to be in synced after each tweak that you make on the iPad; I wish there’s an option to force Cubase to continually read from the Integra to update the program changes automatically.
You must create a new midi instrument.
I have C14 but it should be similar in C12.
Go to Studio → More Options → MIDI Device Manager. Now select “Install Device” and you should see the “Integra 7”
-------- Opprinnelig melding --------
Dato: 24.02.2025 19:52 (GMT+01:00)
Thanks! I placed the script in the correct path and trying to figure out how to access it from within Cubase 12 - from some reason I’m not able to see any indication if Cubase can see it, nor where should I look to access it. Perhaps there’s something inside Cubase 12 that I need to enable and don’t know what; I’m used to Cubase 6 and 7 and this 12 version interface is quite a stranger to me…
Thank you! I’ve just edited my previous post and provided detailed instructions for whomever needs it. It took me some time to find where this MIDI Device Manager is, as it is buried within the More Options menu. Thanks again!