Patch name script for Roland Integra-7

I have been using the Integra VST plugin for a while, but recently it started to fail. So since Integra is a rather old product, I decided to try to create patch script for it instead. Anyways, a few hours later I had developed a small python program to extract patches. This version is not yet complete, as it only included loaded extensions. I will update with a complete file with ALL the extension patches. I will NOT include USER patches in this file. (25.0 KB)

Not sure if anyone needs it, but here it is anyway …

And a big thanks to Wonderer at the Roland Clan Forums for posting the addresses for patches


I’ll keep an eye on this thread. Thanks from another Integra-7 owner!

And here is the file including ALL patches for ALL extensions. (51.3 KB)

NOTE: Remeber to put this file in: %AppData%\Steinberg\Cubase_XX\Scripts\Patchnames
Cubase_XX is your Cubase version. I struggled a lot by putting it in the Program Files\Steinberg. … but Cubase does not care about files added there