path browse as a Preset Popup

Hi, I want the wav audio samples of my instrument to appear all in a popup just like the presets of a delay (Photo1) with the Patch browser template (default). What appears is a browser window to search your samples. (photo 2 )
How can I configure the template so that this popup appears with the folder that I want?
With the preset browse template I have managed to get the samples to come out since it has a parameter (product) to choose the folder you want it to show, but it does not load the wav (photo 3).
It seems that for this menu to come out the switch value has to point to (@SubPresetSelectPopup), but the switch value of the template patch browser is (@browser) I tried to set this value (@SubPresetSelectPopup) but then it stops working, someone Do you know how to do this?
Photo 3.png
photo 1.png