Payment problem

I’m having trouble purchasing the Dorico 5 update.

I complete the payment procedure, having confirmed that the codes entered are correct from the “nexi” site, when you close the window and return to the steinberg site it says that the transaction was not successful… does anyone know there are some problems?
Nexi ok

Unfortunately we can’t provide support for payment problems on the Steinberg online shop here in the forum – you’ll need to submit a ticket to the dedicated support team:

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I contacted my bank to find out what the problem was… it turns out that the vendor site does not comply with European security levels. it seems very strange to me because I have always bought without any problems, the last time a few days ago.

Has anyone encountered any problems? however I opened a support ticket as suggested by Daniel

…and I can’t get my hands on the D5 yet :frowning:

I’m also having a problem with AskNet. I can’t seem to purchase the Dorico 5 upgrade. My payment is declined every time. No issues on the bank’s end. I want to submit a ticket to AskNet, but they need an order number, and since I can’t place the order, I don’t have one!

Hello and thanks for replying, I’m glad I’m not the only one who has had a similar problem I opened a ticket by entering “?” in the order number field…

and I still haven’t been able to fix the problem. asknet hasn’t replied to my ticket yet

Salve. Scrivo in italiano. Anche io ho lo stesso problema. Da tre giorni non riesco ad ottenere l’aggiornamento. Ho contattato più volte la mia banca che mi ha comunicato che il sito su cui devo fare il pagamento presenta delle anomalia. La questione è stata presa in carico dal servizio tecnico e mi hanno comunicato che ci vorranno alcuni giorni pre trovare una soluzione. Spero! Deve essere cambiato qualcosa dallo scorso anno perché in precedenza è sempre andato tutto bene. Spero comunque che anche Steinberg voglia controllare la situazione per evitare il perdurare della situazione

@EmiGus’s post translated:

Hello. I am writing in Italian. I also have the same problem. For three days I have been unable to get the upgrade. I have contacted my bank several times and they have informed me that the site on which I have to make the payment has anomalies. The issue has been taken care of by the technical service and they informed me that it will take a few days pre find a solution. I hope! Something must have changed since last year because previously everything has always been fine. However, I hope that Steinberg also wants to check the situation to avoid the continuation of the situation

I know it’s frustrating not to be able to order the update. I’m sorry that you’ve run into these problems. Unfortunately, it’s something I’m unable to help with at all. I would recommend you use PayPal if that’s a possibility for you. If you can’t use PayPal, then please do raise a ticket with AskNet. They will come back to you, but not over the weekend, I’m afraid:


HI!!! That’s the same thing my bank told me. There is a security glitch on the site that requires payment, and it is automatically blocked. The bank can’t do anything about it. Something happened these days, because just a couple of weeks ago I bought Iconica Ensemble with the same card and the same procedure as always. Since evidently other users from other countries have not encountered problems, obviously it is something that strictly concerns Italy … Thanks for your feedback.

thanks Daniel, I understand that the problem does not concern the Dorico team

I’m sure your problem concerns the Team; it’s just that in this case they cannot solve it.

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Finally the payment went through and I’m able to purchase the upgrade!